Scoring Off The Ice (Ice Kings #2) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,47

was rough.

With a glass of wine in one hand, I grab my phone and tuck my feet under me on a chair that has a view of the city. Not that there’s much to see since it’s dark except the streetlights and car lights, but it’s still peaceful.

I’ll read a book on my Kindle app, sip my wine, and I’ll ensure Angelo is going to stay asleep before I head out.

And if Mikah wakes before then… well… we’ll see.

I pull up a book I bought last weekend and still haven’t had time to read, one of my favorite romance tropes about a Hollywood star who meets a small-town girl and falls in love with her while working on her farm.

A quiet snort escapes me, and I quickly cover my mouth, peeking at Mikah. There’s definitely a slight similarity to my current situation. Still, I’m riveted by the story, falling in love with the couple while they repair sheds and outbuildings after a tornado rips through their Kansas town.

My wine is gone, and I’m still reading, when movement followed by a groan surprises me and makes me jump.

Nothing to see here, just a psycho watching a hottie sleep.

I snort again and Mikah’s eyes slide open, followed by another groan and a swipe of his hand up his back and back through his hair.

“What…” He glances at me and closes his eyes and then they pop back open and he seems wide awake and alert. “Angelo?”

He shoves to standing, almost panicked. I’d laugh except wow, I’m totally falling for the way this guy is falling in love with his son.

“He’s fine.” I climb out of the chair and place my hands on his forearm. “He’s good, Mikah. Sleeping. You were out so I thought I’d stay for a bit in case he woke up.”

“How long have I been out?” He glances at the watch he wears on his wrist, thick black and something that screams athlete. “It’s almost eleven. Hours?”

I’ve lost track of time while reading. “It took about an hour to get him down. I thought I’d stay so you could sleep and started reading. I guess I lost track of time too.”

“Shit. I didn’t realize I was that tired.” He slides his hand to my neck, pressing his fingers at the back and dips his head. “Thank you.”

He kisses me softly, slowly, and I melt into him because when it comes to kissing Mikah, I can’t do anything but. The wine has relaxed me and I’m a whole lot turned on when he pulls back, glancing over my shoulder.

“I should go check on him.”

Of course. And it’s late. “I should get going.”

“Stay.” He shakes his head. “Stay with me. Have another drink, we can watch a movie or something. Tonight didn’t go the way I wanted, but I don’t want it to end.”

And how am I supposed to say no that? “Okay. Let me run home and change then. Out of this dress.”

His gaze dips to my dress, now probably wrinkled and crinkled from sitting in it so long and he frowns. “I have clothes you can wear.”

He’s several inches taller than me and a whole lot bigger. I doubt he has clothes that will fit. But the idea of snuggling up with Mikah and watching a movie while wearing his clothes is too good to pass up. Plus, I like he doesn’t want me to go home yet.

“That’d be great.”

“Come on.” He grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall until we reach his bedroom. It’s an exact mirror of mine except lacking the expensive and over-sized, manly furniture my uncle has.

Instead, it’s all black and utilitarian, looking like something he could have bought and assembled himself from IKEA. A thick, light gray cover is on his bed, neatly made, which is more of a surprise than anything. And his room is completely picked up and tidied.

It makes me wonder if he cleaned for me or if he’s always this neat.

“Closet,” he says and leads me there, opening the door and flipping on the light switch.

Yeah, there’s no way he cleaned for me. Every single one of his shirts and suits are neatly ordered, hangers I swear spaced perfectly two inches apart. If I’m not mistaken, they’re color-coded, going from light to dark. My closet looks like a bomb exploded all over it and then was hit with a hurricane before recovery was started.

He pulls open a set of built-in drawers on one side of the large closet, Copyright 2016 - 2024