School Spirits - By Rachel Hawkins Page 0,61

beam of light onto the cave floor. There was another melty candle and a few scraps of charred paper. Rooting around a little more, he uncovered a tiny golden charm. I leaned in closer as he laid it in his palm and shined the flashlight on it.

“A heart,” he murmured.

I was suddenly aware that our heads were very close together, and took a deep breath. “Yeah.”

His eyes dropped to my mouth. “That’s both sexy and spooky, don’t you think?”

“Depends on how you look at it, I guess,” I said.

Now I was watching his mouth. Like his hands and eyes, Dex’s lips were pretty. Beautiful, even. And suddenly I wanted them on mine more than I had ever wanted anything. Even as we moved closer together, some tiny part of my brain that was still a Brannick and not a silly girl losing her head over a cute boy registered what the magic in this cave must be. No ordinary spell had happened here. This was different. This was a love spell.

And now here Dex and I were, soaking in all this love spell energy. That was why he was staring at me like he wanted to devour me. Why I wanted him to devour me. It was residual energy from the spell, nothing else. I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to get to my feet and back away from him.

Clearing my throat, I started shining my flashlight around the rest of the cave. “There might be more stuff. I mean, that’s definitely magiclike, and—”

“I’ve never kissed anyone in a cave,” Dex mused. When I turned around, he was still on his knees, watching me. “Or in any kind of underground structure, really. Cave, bomb shelter, secret government bunker…” His light was on me again. “What about you? You seem like the kind of girl whose romantic life is full of thrills and danger.”

My “romantic life” consisted of watching cheesy teen soaps and sneaking the occasional drugstore romance novel, but wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted to share.

And I definitely wasn’t telling him that I’d never kissed anyone anywhere before. “Lots,” I told him, going for breezy. “There was a secret tunnel connecting my school to the boys’ school down the road. So it was all underground making out all the time.”

“I knew it,” he said, making me laugh. “So these boys you were sneaking off to meet in tunnels. Was there a…special one?”

Since there hadn’t actually been any boy, much less a special one, I wasn’t sure what to say. Finally I settled on, “I didn’t have a boyfriend, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I was trying not to be that tacky about it, but yes, I was asking if you had…or if you have a boyfriend.”

My heart was pounding fast now. This time I couldn’t tell myself he was being friendly, or that this was “just Dex.” Boys don’t ask if you have a boyfriend unless they are interested in you.

And then something else occurred to me. I could tell him I did. Invent some long-distance guy, someone I e-mailed and Skyped with. And that would be that. Dex and I could be friends, nothing more. He might feel a little disappointed, and maybe he’d pull back a little.

Just the thought of that hurt. I hadn’t known Dex very long, but I liked him. Genuinely. Hanging out with Romy was fun, but it wasn’t the same as the time I spent with Dex.

I’d been quiet too long. “So that’s a yes, then?” he asked, his voice every bit as light as mine had been moments ago. But I heard the hurt creeping around the edges.

Tell him yes. Tell him yes.

Turning around, I let the beam of my flashlight fall on the floor. “No. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

I thought I’d seen every one of Dex’s smiles. The goofy one, the ironic one, the delighted one. But the grin that broke across his face was a whole new specimen: the sexy one.

“Oh, thank God,” he breathed, and then he was crossing the cave and pulling me to him.


Dex was taller than me, and as he pressed me against him, he actually hauled me up on my tiptoes. His arm was around my waist, his other hand plunged into my hair, and he was kissing me. I mean, really, really kissing me.

I was kissing him back. And I was good at it.

I didn’t know if it was the spell, or if I was some kind of Copyright 2016 - 2024