School of Fish (Fish Out of Water #6) - Amy Lane Page 0,139

then, the profound shift inside him that told him Ellery was right in this moment. Just like the night he’d had to rescue the Dobrevks. Things might change tomorrow—hell, they might change in an hour, or fifteen minutes from now.

But right now—right now—Ellery was dressed nicely for Jackson Rivers, of all people. He’d shaved twice, put on aftershave, and worn slacks and a button-down just to eat in their dining room.

Jackson had done the same.

Ellery’s hair wasn’t gelled. Because he wasn’t at the office, yes, but also because Jackson liked it without the gel, liked the way it fell softly forward, liked the way Ellery looked at him shyly sometimes, when Ellery was one of the sharpest people Jackson had ever met.

Jackson was looking shyly back.

“What?” Ellery asked, biting his lip.

“I am feeling lucky, tonight,” Jackson said softly.

“Well, we did just escape death,” Ellery said, rolling his eyes, and Jackson had to laugh.

“Not that way.” He raised his hand to cup Ellery’s cheek. “This way. I’m feeling lucky this way. That a year ago, we… well, we had some serious sex in the span of about two days. I mean, like record-setting pace.”

“We gave in,” Ellery agreed.

Jackson nodded. “We gave in. And you know what?”

Ellery shook his head. “No. What?”

“It saved my life. This last year has been a roller coaster ride, that’s for damned sure. But as rough as you and me are on each other sometimes, I don’t think I could have made it through if we hadn’t started with all that arguing and a fuckton of sex.”

Ellery laughed. “I guess we are lucky.” He sobered and covered Jackson’s hand with his own. “Watching you just… be you, I guess, isn’t easy. It’s never been easy. It’s why we did the dance for so long, I think. But getting to be with you? Best thing I’ve ever done.”

Jackson gave a shaky grin. “Think we’ll make it another year?”

Ellery returned it. “You mean, you and me or, you know, make it out alive?”

“I mean you and me,” Jackson said. “Because if I’ve got a you and me to live for, you can bet your ass I’ll make it out alive.”

“My ass?” Ellery said, arching a playful eyebrow. “Really?”

“Go get undressed, Counselor, and I’ll show you how it’s done.”

When Jackson had finished putting everything away, he ventured into the bedroom, not surprised to see Ellery naked but under the covers.

He started to unbutton his own shirt, shaking his head in mock annoyance. “No,” he said. “This isn’t naked.”

“I can assure you—”

“Pull back the covers, prop your bum knee up with a pillow, and spread your legs for me with your ass on the edge of the bed, Ellery. We may both be the walking wounded here, but I really think we should mark our anniversary with some serious sex.”

Ellery glared at him in challenge.

“Well, that’s romantic.”

Jackson cocked his head. “Do you really want me to get in there and go to work on you?” he asked sweetly. “Because I’ll do it!”

Ellery threw back the covers and splayed himself out for Jackson’s eyes, and Jackson smiled in satisfaction as he stripped off his own slacks and laid them on the dresser.

“You’re insufferable,” Ellery muttered, naked and vulnerable and so, so hot. His long-fingered hand was unconsciously stroking his own cock, and Jackson shuddered seeing it.

“I want you,” Jackson said evenly. “I want all of you. I want your ass, I want your come….” He grabbed the lube from the end table, where Ellery had set it up to be prepared. He leaned over the bed, bracing his weight on his elbows, and kissed the side of Ellery’s neck. “I want your body,” he murmured and nipped his ear. “Your sex, your soul.”

Ellery smiled just a little as Jackson kissed his way down Ellery’s chest.

“Oh,” he said simply. “Okay, then. Carry on.”

And Jackson did. He knew Ellery’s body now—nipples, cock, sweetly giving asshole. But he loved it more now too, wanted to take his time on every part. He kissed and he teased as Ellery thrashed beneath him, begging, pleading, needing.

When they’d first started, he’d done this out of pride. He only got to have someone in his bed if he was a good enough lover to give them the full e-ticket ride. Ellery had figured out what he was doing and put a stop to it, and now, when Jackson did the full-court arousal press, he was doing it because he enjoyed playing with Ellery’s body, enjoyed his noises, enjoyed knowing Copyright 2016 - 2024