Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,92

as she leans over the pile of powerful objects. “Ego hanc vim solummodo bonum. Hoc opus auxilium. Da me potestatem.”

A heart-shaped diamond flickers first, and then all the others harmonize, glimmering against the sunlight flowing through the window and producing a collection of vibrant colors.

The four of us can’t seem to look away as we watch the light loop in a circle and make a path for Aislin. It spills across her hands and arms, making her skin illuminate. She sucks in a sharp gasp as her head rolls back, her eyelids closing.

“It feels so . . . intense,” she breathes, opening her eyes and staring at her hands. “Like . . .”

“Electricity,” Gemma offers.

Aislin nods her head up and down. “Is this how you guys feel all the time?”

Gemma doesn’t reply, staring out the window. “Do you think it’s time?” she asks to no one in particular. “Or do you think we need to wait until later today to go down there?”

“It’s December twenty-first, so yeah, I think we’d better get down there,” I answer quietly, my uneven tone revealing my nerves.

I turn to Aislin, fighting to keep my composure. “Is that it? Do you have everything for your spell?”

“Yeah, I have more than enough.” She wiggles her fingers, beaming over her new power.

“Then I guess we should all get going,” Gemma says, the electricity picking up with her anxiousness.

We all sit there, afraid to move, afraid to go. I swear to God, the world goes absolutely still at the moment, as if time actually stops. Part of me wishes it would never move again.

Aislin stands up first, and Laylen follows her lead. “Do we go all at once?” Laylen asks, crossing his arms, seeming almost as uneasy as I am.

“Alex and I are outside right after you two leave the castle, so yeah, I think we go all at once.” Gemma walks over to the corner armoire and takes a cell phone out of the drawer.

“Where did you get that?” I ask, getting to my feet.

“I think it’s Sophia’s,” she says, holding the power button down. “I know phones haven’t been working since the apocalypse, but now that it’s over”—she smiles as the screen lights up, showing bars—“there you go.” She gives me the phone. “It’s how we bring Stephan out of the house.”

“By calling him?” I cock an eyebrow at her.

She shrugs. “I know. It’s pretty old school, right?”

“Yeah, it really is.” I stuff the phone into my pocket, hoping she can’t see how badly I’m shaking. “You ready?”

She bobs her head up and down then squeezes her eyes, holding back the tears as she wraps her arms around Laylen. “Remember what I said, and remember, don’t let Aislin get anywhere near that knife.”

Laylen nods, a few tears escaping his eyes. He quickly wipes them away as the two of them break apart. Then Gemma turns to Aislin, and the two of them hug. Surprisingly, Gemma doesn’t look as awkward.

When they pull away, Gemma takes my hand, our fingers intertwining, and the star goes crazy inside our bodies, scorching hot, trying to burn us up, like it knows we’re about to kill it.

“What was that about the knife?” I whisper in her ear.

She shrugs. “Aislin gets nicked with a knife when they’re at the castle, but don’t worry, it’s nothing major. And now that Laylen knows, he’s going to stop it from happening.” She places her hands on my side, holding onto me. “Ready for this?” Her voice is off pitch, and her eyes are filled with tears.

I slide my hand across her stomach, mentally whispering goodbye to a daughter I’ll never get to know. I know what I’m doing is right, though. Like my mom said, my job has always been to be there for Gemma, and right now, I’m there to save her.

“I’ve been ready for this forever,” I say then let her take us away.


Saying good-bye to Laylen is the second hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Saying goodbye to Alex, however . . . That’s going to be the most painful, unbearable thing I’ve ever felt.

I Foresee us to the edge of the lake, landing us right on the shore with our backs to the grey-stoned Keepers’ Castle.

Everything seems clear now, clearer than it has ever been for me. My head has been jam-packed with worry ever since I got my emotions back, anyway, but right now, everything seems crystal clear. No more worrying.

I turn in a circle, scratching my head as Copyright 2016 - 2024