Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,90

slip mine off and give it to her.

“I didn’t even think about it.” She puts on the jacket and zips it up. “All I could think about is why we’re here.”

I rub my hands across my face and really let what I just did sink in. I feel different, scared but less burdened somehow, like knowing Gemma will be okay has erased some of my sins.

“It’ll be okay,” I tell Aislin. “You’ll be okay.”

“Maybe.” She stares at the clear, night sky. “I know you think this is how this is supposed to work, but why can’t someone save you, too?”

“Even if I could think of a way to make that happen, which I can’t, my life isn’t worth someone else risking theirs.” I sink down on the step and lower my head. “I’ve done a lot of shitty things throughout my life, and now it’s time for me to make up for it.”

She sniffles as she sits down beside me. “You’re not as bad as you think you are, and I think Gemma would agree with me.”

“I’m sure she would, but that’s not what this is about. This is about me saving her.” Knowing this may be the last time I see her, I pull her in for a hug “Take care of yourself, okay? Make sure you live a good life.”

Her tears soak the shoulder of my shirt. “I promise I will.”

“Can we make one last stop before we go back to the house?” I ask her. “There’s something I need to get . . . from the Keepers’ Castle.”

“Are you insane?” She jerks back. “There’s no way in hell I’m taking you there.”

“We’re just going to sneak into my room and get something. That’s all.” When she still looks unconvinced, I add, “Please, this is important, and it’ll help with the shield spell.”

Her intrigue piques. “How so?”

“You remember how Gemma and I used to steal stuff from Stephan all the time, just to piss him off?”

“Yeah, I always thought you guys were stupid.”

“Not stupid,” I stress. “I have quite the collection of very powerful objects hidden in my room, and I’m not sure, but I’m guessing you might be able to use some of them to channel more energy to help you with the spell.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she checks. “Because I can figure out another way to get extra power.”

“I’m sure,” I say. “Now let’s go.”

She nods then begins to chant under her breath as the snow speeds away with us.

When we land in my bedroom and our feet slip out from under us, I brace myself against the bedpost, but Aislin falls to the floor and cracks her elbow against the ice.

“Are you okay?” I ask and she nods.

“But what’s with all the ice?” she wonders, standing.

I do a quick scan of the room. Ice covers the bed, the dresser, the walls, and the floor, and icicles dangle from the ceiling.

“The Death Walkers must be living here or something,” I say, shaking my head in disgust.

Aislin winces, cupping her elbow. “He really has lost his damn mind, hasn’t he?”

“He really has.” Getting my balance, I head for a trapdoor in my closet. When I try to open it, it won’t budge because of the ice. “Do you have your knife on you?” I ask Aislin.

She slides over to me, takes out her knife, and kneels down. She begins chipping away at the ice until I can get the door open.

I lower myself into the hole and feel around until I find the bag. Grabbing it, I then roll over and heave myself back up onto my feet.

Aislin takes the bag from me, unties the ribbon around it, and her jaw nearly hits the floor.

“Holy shit.” She digs around, pulling out the Flower of Malina, the Box of Aurora, and the Dust of the Burning Bridge. “Alex, this is amazing.”

“Dad’s always been power crazy,” I say, sitting down on the floor beside her. “I just hope they’ll work for you.”

“So do I,” she says, grinning enthusiastically as she holds a bright red jewel in her hand. “There’s only one way to find out for sure.”

Our sudden appearance in the middle of the living room scares the shit out of Gemma and Laylen.

Gemma springs to her feet when she realizes it’s me, her violet eyes flooding with nerves.

“Where the hell were you?” She shoves me back. “Seriously, Alex, I was worried sick.”

Her feistiness makes me smile and fucking turns me on. I’m going to Copyright 2016 - 2024