Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,53

not sure I believe him, but I don’t have time to pry the truth out of him.

After Aislin drops Laylen and Alex off at my house, we transport to The Evil Side, which is the closest black magic store Aislin can find.

It’s late by the time we arrive; the stars and moon are out, and the air has a nip to it. The store looks as dark as the sky, but that might be because the windows are covered with grim.

“Ready for this?” Aislin asks me as we hike across the parking lot for the store.

“I guess so”—I wrap my arms around myself—“but I think we should have a game plan just in case something goes wrong.”

“We already have one—you. Black magic witches worship you. You’re like their god or goddess.”

“Still, I’d feel better if we had an escape plan. I can already sense the praesidium inside, so my Foreseer power is a no go.”

She brushes her bangs out of her face. “Well, if all else fails, I’ll transport us out of there.” She grins. “Because I can now do that, no assistance needed.”

My heels crunch against the gravel as we approach the front steps. “Yeah, how did that happen?”

She shrugs. “My magic’s just getting stronger. It happens.”

We trot up the steps, and a bell dings as we enter. The air reeks of burnt herbs, cigarette smoke, and weed. Around the room, there are rows and rows of jars filled with a gooey, yellow liquid and what looks like animal parts.

“So gross,” I mutter under my breath.

Aislin puts her fingers to her lips and mouths, They’re listening.

I cringe and mouth, Sorry.

“Can I help you?” A woman with golden eyes and hair as pale as snow ducks through a curtain of beads at the back of the store. She gives me a once over, quickly notes my wings, and then bows her head. “We’re so honored to have a Black Angel in our store. How can I assist you?”

Aislin hands her a piece of paper with the items she needs. “We need everything on this list.”

The witch ignores her. “Is that why you’ve come here? To collect the items from this list?” she asks me.

I nod, trying to convey more confidence than I have. “Yes.”

She bows her head again, snatches the list from Aislin, and ducks back through the curtains. Another woman enters moments later, her hair as orange as fire.

“It’s a pleasure to have you in my store.” She curtsies at me, and it looks so awkward I have to stifle a laugh. “I’m Catalina, and if you need anything at all, just let me know.”

“Thanks,” I say, carrying my shoulders high.

She frowns, her expression turning icy. “She hasn’t even transitioned yet.” She storms for the curtains right as the other witch steps back out. “That’s not a Black Angel, only a mere human with wings.”

“Watch it. You know they’re still powerful, even when they haven’t transitioned,” the woman with pale hair warns then begins collecting items off the shelf

As they argue some more, Aislin and I wander around the store, crossing our fingers that this will go smoothly.

“I wonder what this is for,” Aislin mutters, reaching for a glimmering rainbow candle on the shelf.

I smack her hand away. “Don’t touch it if you don’t know what it is. Trust me. The last time I did that, I ended up falling into a Foreseer ball.”

“That’s just the Power of Entrapment candle.” The paled-haired witch appears behind me, startling Aislin and me. She picks up the candle and turns it in her hands. “It traps the power of a witch inside their own body, at least while the wick burns.”

“What about other kinds of power?” I ask, my voice a little uneven. “Or is it solely for Wicca power?”

“That depends on what other power you’re talking about.” She waits for me to explain.

I shrug, not even positive why I asked.

Because you think you love Alex and want to tell him. And if you have the candle, it might protect you from the star’s power killing you.

I shake the thought from my head.

“How much is it?” Aislin asks, reaching to unzip her purse.

“Oh, it’s not for sale,” she replies, tightening her hold on the candle. “Catalina only makes trades for things as powerful as this, and it has to be a very enticing trade.”

“And you two have nothing I want,” Catalina grumbles from across the room.

The paled-haired witch sighs. “Sorry, she lacks people skills.” She eyes us over before her fingers float Copyright 2016 - 2024