Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,51

the wing. “I’m not sure if it was the ice that did it or what.”

“I’m sorry you had to deal with him.” I press my hand to her cheek, turning her head so she’ll look at me. “But I’m proud of you.”

Her forehead creases. “For what?”

I smile. “For punching him in the face.”

She smiles back at me. “I’ll admit, it felt good.”

Unable to help myself, I dip my head, moving in to kiss her.

“Holy shit! I can fix this.” Aislin announces, and I sigh, leaning back. “I can remove her Mark of Immortality and her wings! I just need a little bit of time.”

“We don’t have time,” I tell her, pulling Gemma against me.

“She’s still her, so we have a little bit of time,” Aislin says. “And this is what we’re going to do.”


“Black magic?” Alex says flatly to Aislin. “That’s your brilliant plan?”

“It’s better than your plan,” Aislin snaps, her nerves frazzled and on edge, “which is nothing.”

She wants us to go to a black magic store so she can collect some items that will allow her to create a spell to steal another witch’s power. Then she’ll have the power of two witches, which she thinks will free me from the entrapment of my wings. Plus, she needs some stuff from there to complete the spell she’s been working on that will remove the Mark of Immortality from Stephan, which is the same spell she plans on using on me.

“Black magic’s dangerous,” Alex warns Aislin while keeping his hand on my back. He hasn’t stopped touching me since he showed up, as if he’s afraid he’s going to lose me. “You’ve told me that a thousand times.”

“Life’s dangerous.” She gestures at me, at Laylen, and then at Alex. “I mean, look at us. We’re shit deep in danger all the time. It’s who we are, and I think it’s time we start embracing it.”

Alex rolls his eyes. “So what you’re saying is we just stroll on into a black magic store and order these witches to give us the stuff so you can take away the power of another witch. Because I’m guessing witches aren’t going to be too willing to help us, especially with”—he points at her hand—“that.”

“I’ll wear gloves,” she says, tucking the branded hand behind her back. “And I’ll take Gemma with me to the store. Not you.”

I lift my head from Alex’s chest. “Why me?”

“You’re an Angel from Hell. Dude, you have clout in the evil world,” she says.

“Is that a good thing?” I ask.

“Right now, it is,” she replies.

“I’m not agreeing to this,” Alex talks over me.

“Good thing you’re not the boss,” Aislin replies haughtily.

“According to Gemma, I am,” Alex says, giving me a look that makes my skin heat.

“Dude, TMI,” Laylen says from the floor.

“And while we’re doing this,” Aislin says, pulling her hair into a messy bun on top of her head, “you can go find Mom. Besides, the two of you need space, remember?”

Alex’s fingers tense on my back. “The last time I checked, you weren’t in charge.”

“I think we should vote,” Aislin says with a smirk.

Alex pulls me closer to him. “No way. I already know where everyone’s votes lie.” Still, he looks at Laylen with hope.

“Sorry, but I’m with them on this one,” Laylen says, stretching his arms above his head as he rises to his feet.

Alex lets out a deep grunt. “Whatever.” He shakes his head, pulling me closer. “Let’s just hurry and get this fucking over with.”

I look up at Alex. “Meet you back here soon, okay?”

“Hold on a second,” Laylen says. “You guys are forgetting something really fucking important.” He nods at Aleesa lying on the floor.

“Shit,” Aislin mutters, rubbing her branded hand. “I think it might be time to take her to the Faerie Realm. She’ll be safer there.”

“But I thought, since she’s half Keeper, she is forbidden in the Fey Realm?” I ask.

“They won’t hurt her,” Aislin promises me. “It’s the best place I can think of to hide her while we take care of the apocalypse and my father. And I have a friend there who will watch her.”

After we all agree to the plan, Aislin vanishes with Aleesa to take her to the Fey Realm.

“She’s letting this power thing get to her head,” Alex mutters as he sinks down to the floor, pulling me with him.

“I’m sure she knows what she’s doing, Alex,” I say, crisscrossing my legs.

Alex snorts a laugh “The last time she ran off by herself, she was Copyright 2016 - 2024