Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,49

normal lives?”

“Maybe.” But she doesn’t look too convinced.

“Do you think you and I would still be friends?”

She laughs, her eyes lighting up. “I think, no matter what, you and I will always be friends, Laylen.”

My heart aches while I watch the two of them talk. The air between them is so light, and everything just looks . . . well, easy. It’s the complete opposite of the intense conversations and moments Gemma and I share. Also unlike us, the two of them are able to relax and not have to worry about killing each other.

“What about you and Alex?” Laylen asks. “Do you think you two would’ve been together if the star and the promise never existed?”

I hold my breath, waiting for her answer.

She traces the scar on her hand then shuts her eyes. “Yes,” she whispers.

I exhale loudly and lean back against the wall, smiling for some goddamn weird reason.

Laylen puts his shoes on the table and then moves his feet to the floor again, seeming uneasy. “Maybe one day that world will exist.”

Gemma smiles, but then she suddenly leaps to her feet and bolts for the door. Laylen hurries after her and so do I, chasing her outside.

“What are you doing?” he asks Gemma as we stop on the porch.

Checking left and right, Gemma spans her wings. “Seeing if I can fly. It might be my only chance.”

She flaps the feathers back and forth, back and forth until they lift her off her feet. Then she hovers in the air for a while before her feet touch the ground again. She looks so happy, so free, exactly what I want her to have for the rest of her life.

“See, not so bad,” Laylen says, grinning.

She curls her wings back in. “I guess not, but it doesn’t mean I want to keep the wings.”

They exchange a grin before she plucks a violet flower from a pot hanging by the front door. That’s when I hear a crackle from inside the house.

The two of them must hear it, too, because they dive into the bushes and peer through the open window into the living room.

I move beside them and look inside the house, too.

“Where are they!” my father growls. “They are supposed to be here.”

Death Walkers surround him as he paces the floor with the Sword of Immorality clutched in his hand. He looks like he’s panicking, completely out of control. I’ve never seen him look like this before, and it has me wondering what’s causing it. What’s got him so scared?

As he continues to chew out the Death Walkers, I spot a girl cowering next to him with dark, curly hair and yellow-eyes.

“Aleesa,” Gemma and I mutter simultaneously.

My father growls at the Death Walkers, his face turning bright red “You all failed me!” He swings back the sword and plunges it into a Death Walker’s chest. It lets out a sharp cry, the light in its eyes dimming.

Laylen and Gemma exchange a look. “Maybe’s he’s worried he’s not going to be able to pull off opening the portal,” Laylen whispers.

“Maybe,” Gemma says then frowns. “We should help Aleesa.”

The window suddenly explodes, and glass flies everywhere. My father marches for the window with the Death Walkers tailing at his heals.

“Time to go,” Gemma says, grabbing Laylen’s hand.

But it’s too late. Death Walkers are marching out the front door and surrounding the bushes as Gemma and Laylen stumble out.

My father strides right for Gemma with that stupid grin on his face that he always gets whenever he thinks he’s won something.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” He looks her over, smiling at the wings. “Looks like you ran into some trouble.”

I grit my teeth and lunge for him, but I fall right through him like he’s a ghost. Rolling on my back, I see Laylen shift in front of Gemma, trying to protect her.

My stupid asshole of a father looks up the street. “Interesting choice of places to hide, especially since you’ve hidden here before.” He releases an exhausted sigh. “I wish you’d just give up. It’d make my life easier. But I guess I can’t be too upset with all of this. It’s amazing how good I’m getting at creating marks.”

“It’s not over,” Gemma says, her voice surprisingly even. “And do you want to know why?” She leans in. “Because Alex and I our going to kill you.” Then she does something freaking badass as hell.

She punches him in the face.

My father clutches his nose, tripping backward as Copyright 2016 - 2024