Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,46

back,” I say, smiling.

He smiles, but there’s a drop of sadness in his eyes, probably guilt over the stuff he did. “Yeah, I’m back.”

I avoid Alex’s eyes altogether, because I won’t be able to handle it if he even so much as has a speck of disgust in his gaze.

“So, there was an accident,” I utter quietly.

“What kind of accident?” Laylen asks with caution in his tone.

“It’s my fault.” Aislin bursts into tears. “I brought the Black Angel here.”

“It’s not your fault,” I tell her. “You weren’t yourself.”

Tears cascade down her cheeks. “Yes, it was. I did this. And I was so mean about it. God, the evil me is such a bitch.”

“Yeah, but if it wouldn’t have been for me, the mark would have never gotten so out of control,” I remind her.

While she shakes her head and continues bawling, Laylen puts his arms around her and allows her to cry against his chest. I stare at the wall, even when I feel Alex move toward me. My senses are even more tuned to him somehow, and I can feel his every movement, sense it through the sparks.

He doesn’t say anything as he stops in front of me. I tip my head down, mortified, but he hooks a finger under my chin and forces me to look up at him.

His eyes skim every inch of me, drinking me in. “You’re going to be fine,” he says. “We still have time before this turns permanent.”

“But I don’t want anyone to have to take my place.” I frown. “I don’t want to trap someone like that.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find another way to get those wings off you.” He offers me an encouraging smile. “But we have to hurry. You’re still you right now, but you won’t be for long if we don’t move quickly.” His gaze sweeps across my body, and his eyes fill with hunger as he wraps an arm around me and cups my ass. “You should keep the dress, though.” His breath is hot on my arm. “You look so fucking sexy right now.” His teeth graze my earlobe, and I shudder. “I missed you.”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I whisper. “I was scared when I didn’t know what was happening to you.”

“I know you were,” he says. “You said so in your dream.”

A faint smile graces my lips. “You were there again?” I ask and he nods. “I wish I could just keep us there forever, trapped in a dream. It’d be so nice.”

“It would, but then again, you wouldn’t be really living life,” Alex says softly. “And, Gemma, you’re going to live your life, no matter what I have to do.”

I lean into him instead of arguing, knowing there’s no point. No matter what I say, he’s always going to be determined to save me.

He shifts his weight, and his fingers fumble as he traces the length of my spine. “So, a girl, huh?”

I pull back. “How’d you know?”

He looks a little guilty. “Sorry, but Aislin kind of has a big mouth.”

“It’s okay,” I tell him. “And I mean that. The baby’s going to be okay. Adessa did a spell on her that’s going to protect her no matter what happens to me.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to you,” he assures me. “You’re going to live, and we’re going to get those wings off you, but I’m going to need Adessa’s help.”

“Sorry, but she left,” Aislin interrupts, stepping out of Laylen’s arms. She wipes her red, swollen eyes with the sleeve of her shirt then tries to comb her tangled hair into place. “She and Tesha took off. They said they were going into hiding until all this shit with the mark is over.”

“Which will be soon,” I say, wrapping my arms around myself to try to cover up my chest that’s nearly bursting out of my top. “Alex and I found a way.”

Alex shakes his head. “No, we didn’t. I still haven’t found my mom.”

Aislin’s eyes pop wide. “Wait a minute. Our mom?”

I shoot Alex a dirty look and nudge him in the side. “You didn’t tell her you’re looking for your mom?”

He winces, clutching his ribs. “Fuck, that hurt. You’re like freakishly strong now.”

“And immortal.” I stick out my arm, showing him the mark that matches Laylen’s.

Alex pulls me closer and blinks at the Mark of Immortality. He mutters something under his breath, and then he’s storming for the door.

“Where are you going?” I chase after him, my wings slamming into the walls and shelves.

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