Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,38

care of yourself more than others.”

Even though it feels like it’s going to kill me, I shut my eyes and picture the first place that comes to mind—Sin City. We’ve escaped there before. That should work for now.

But something feels wrong the moment I try to visualize Alex and I standing in the glittery streets. I open my eyes and catch Laylen and Aislin trading a knowing smile.

“They have praesidium on them,” I say. “There’s nothing we can do except run.”

“You run. I’ll distract them.” With that, Alex spins around and rams into Laylen.

They collide and fall to the frostbitten ground, throwing punches and kicks.

My gaze darts to Aislin who’s watching me like a hawk.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?” She coils a strand of hair around her finger as she strolls toward me. “Feeling so vulnerable, yet you can’t do anything about it.” Her expression hardens. “Like when I had to sit there and watch you bat your eyes at Laylen like some kind of lovesick girl”—her high-heeled boots click against the ice as she continues toward me—“watch the way he looked at you until it almost drove me mad—”she stops right in front of me—“but those days are almost over. Soon, you’ll be gone—dead and rotting in the ground.”

“We don’t have to do this,” I say, backing up against the wall. “You might not remember, but we’re friends, and we care about each other.”

“Friends?” She laughs, throwing her head back. “Oh, my God, what are we, like in sixth grade?” She clasps her hands in front of her, and her skin erupts in a green glow as she prepares to use her magic. “Oh, Aislin, please don’t hurt me. You’re my best friend in the whole wide world.”

I attack, slamming into her and sending us to the ground. Her glowing skin fizzles out as we crash to the snow. I land on top of her, but I’m not sure what to do. This is Aislin, mark or no mark, and I don’t want to hurt her. But when her eyes blaze red and she elevates her hands, I panic and slam my knuckles hard into her jaw.

“Oh, my God, I’m so sorry,” I apologize, feeling like a jerk.

She barks a laugh, throwing her weight forward and flipping us to the side. My head smacks against the ground, and snow tumbles all around me. I reach for her coat pocket, hoping that’s where the praesidium is, but before I can get a hold of it, she bites my hand, making me scream bloody murder.

More garbage cans topple over as Alex and Laylen roll farther away from us, and she bites me again.

Screw this shit!

“That’s it. I’ve had enough. If you want to play dirty, then let’s play dirty.” I grab a fist full of her hair and tug on it while slipping my other hand into her pocket.


I take the praesidium from her pocket, but she slaps my hand and sends the marble flying. She seizes my leg as I roll out from under her and scramble after it.

I flip over onto my back and kick her in the face. “I’m so sorry,” I say as blood gushes from her nose. Then I shove away from her, scoop up the marble, and jog in the direction of where I last saw Laylen and Alex.

But Aislin wraps her fingers around my ankle again and flings me back down to the ground. I brace myself as I fall for the ice, protecting my stomach as much as possible. I roll over onto my back just in time to see an orb of red light flying at me.

I don’t think.

I just go.


When I land on the black and white tile floor of Adessa's store, I’m instantly aware that I didn’t make it here alone. I brought a crazed out Aislin with me, still gripping onto my leg, her eyes wide and murderous.

“I have to take you to him,” she growls rabidly. “I have to take you to him.” Her nails dig into my leg as she drags herself up my body.

“Adessa!” I shout, kicking at Aislin. Please let her be home. And let her be her.

By the scared look on Aislin’s face, I think she knows she’s in trouble if Adessa is here since Adessa is much more powerful. But when we both realize how quiet the house is, Aislin relaxes.

“Guess she’s not home.” She leaps to her feet and sticks out her hands. “Duratus!”

I scurry for the front door of the store, but the Copyright 2016 - 2024