Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,30

she rubs her hands up and down my arm, creating friction, electricity, warmth.

“Better?” she asks.

“Yes.” I inch closer to her. “What about you? Are you cold? Because I could warm you up.”

“I’m fine, but thanks.” Her cheeks flush¸ however, revealing what she truly wants.

I turn for the entrance door, smiling at myself, despite knowing everything going on between us is completely wrong. Then again, how can it be wrong when for the first time in my life, I feel . . . right? Like this is the person I was always supposed to be.

The thought bounces around in my head as we check the front door, which ends up being locked, too. I kick the living shit out of it, but nothing.

Gemma slumps against the brick wall, rubbing her stomach. “Now what do we do?”

“I don’t know.” I look at the restaurant next door. “Think they’d have a computer we could use?”

She shakes her head. “The dude who owns it is a douche, so even if they did, they probably wouldn’t let us use it.”

I pop my knuckles. “We don’t have to ask.”

“No violence for the moment, please.” She looks over her shoulder at the library window. “Maybe we should just break in.”

“The alarm could go off and draw too much attention.” I look around at the stores surrounding us. Most of them are closed, but a few blocks down, I spot the roof of the university. “I think I have an idea.”

Gemma is extremely fidgety as we stand in front of the school. “I can’t believe the school’s open. You’d think they’d lock it or something.”

“It’s kind of hard to remember to lock up when the apocalypse is happening.” I hold the door open, letting her walk in.

“Yeah, I guess.” She bites at her nails, looking reluctant as she steps into the hallway, which strangely has a few people wandering around. “School’s still going?” she whispers to me in shock.

“I guess.” I shrug as we start down the hallway toward the student union. With each step, she seems increasingly distracted. “You know, I didn’t really feel the way I acted that first day we met.”

She nods, preoccupied with the few people walking around, heading to class. “I hope no one notices us here, especially if there are any fey, witches, or vampires around.”

I pick up the pace, tugging her with me. “Let’s just make this quick and get out of here.”

My boots scuff against the tile as I weave past people while Gemma scrambles to keep us with me.

“God, this place brings back such bad memories of when I was . . .” She blows out a breath, shaking her head.

Suddenly, I realize why she’s so distracted, and my heart literally aches for her. I’m not sure what to say to her that could take away the pain of years and years of solitude, especially when I helped cause it. As a result, I do the only thing I can think of—I hold onto her, entwining our fingers to let her know that I’m here, that she’s not alone anymore.

And she clutches on for dear life.

“So this is what Iceland looks like, huh?” She frowns as she leans over my shoulder and studies the computer screen. “I thought you said it isn’t cold there.”

“No, I said it isn’t as cold there as it is here.” I tap my finger on the screen. “There’s still snow there, though.”

She tilts her head to the side, squinting at the photo on the screen. “What do you think that little road’s for?”

“I don’t know, but this is the clearest picture I can find.” I try to ignore how close she is, but it’s all I can think about. “Plus, there’s a lot of bare space around, so we don’t have to worry about the wrong people seeing us appear out of thin air.”

“And then what do we do? We just roam around until we find the address? Because that seems like it could take forever.”

“We’ll get a taxi.”

“Seems kind of amateur.” She turns her head and smiles at me.

She rarely smiles, and it makes my heart skip a beat as I give her hair a playful tug. “Don’t worry. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of times we'll need your wonderful Foreseer power to take us around, but for now, yeah, I think a taxi is going to be the best way to find the address.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” She clicks the mouse on the print button then turns around and waits for the Copyright 2016 - 2024