Scattered Ashes - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,13

really sinks in “Wait a minute. Are you saying it can be done? That someone can die then return to their body and come back to life?”

She wavers. “Perhaps. If done correctly and by someone who knows what they’re really doing.”

My thoughts drift back to my nightmare, to the crows, the coffin, and how I lay awake inside it, yet everyone thought I was dead.

“Am I . . . Am I going to do it?”

She nods with the faintest smile. “You are, but it’s not going to be easy.”

“But what about Alex? Is he going to die, too, and come back?”

She shakes her head and clasps onto my hand. “No, sweetie. He’s the one who’s going to bring you back.”


I tuck the address into my pocket then step out from behind the dumpster and into the moonlight. I’m still uncertain how I feel about what just happened with Draven, whether I like the answer he gave me about my mother or what I offered to get it—a year of my life to the Lord of the Afterlife, which means doing whatever he wants me to do.

What the idiot doesn’t realize is that my life is probably going to be over soon, so really, none of this matters. Only one thing does, at least to me, and that’s saving the girl I might just be in love with.

Love. Am I really there?

The idea is mind-blowing. All those years I spent being beaten by my father and being forced to ignore my emotions, I thought he broke me. I thought was broken beyond being replaced, and now here I am, contemplating love, even though it could kill me.

Shaking my thoughts away, I head out to the street lined with burning buildings and mad chaos. Ignoring the feeding vampires that seem to be accumulating everywhere¸ I make a left and stride toward the corner of the sidewalk. Each vampire, witch, and fey glance at me, hunger gleaming in their eyes as I hurry by them. They can sense what I am, know I’m not an easy target, so instead, they focus right back on tormenting humans.

I should stop them, but I’m in too much of a fucking hurry to find a witch so I can get where I need to go and make all of this right. I never considered what a huge pain in the ass it would be to not have a witch on hand or a very talented Foreseer to make traveling easier.

Just thinking of Gemma makes my fingers ache to touch her again, to return to the dream. It makes me desperate to get back to her, to hold her, kiss her, lose myself inside her.

Growing uncomfortable with where my emotions are heading, I force the thought of Gemma out of my head, despite it feeling like it’s going to kill me. If I don’t, then I know I’ll cave and return to her. And I can’t do that yet, not until I find a way to save her. She deserves to live the life that was stolen from her, and I’m not going to give up. I’ll keep searching for a way to make this right. Forever, just like I promised.

As I’m about to veer right, I spot a woman across the street with a crescent moon and star mark on her neck. Perfect, just what I was looking for.

I stride across the street with a purpose, sidestepping around an injured faerie sprawled on the asphalt, begging me to help him.

Humans aren’t the only ones in danger. The faeries, vampires, and witches who don’t bear the Mark of Malefiscus are also targets, which pretty much adds more insanity to the madness.

Although the witch sees me coming and grins, she is fidgety and on edge as she peers around. “Can I help you with something?” she asks, but her voice carries a threat

I raise my shirt to show her my Keeper’s mark on my ribcage. “Still want to use that tone on me, witch?” Honestly, I’m not sure how she is going to react to my cocky attitude. If she has the Mark of Malefiscus, she might try to kill me. But I need a witch. Like fucking now. If she goes crazy on me, then I simply take her out.

“What do you want?” Her tone is icy, her gaze narrowing on me.

I lower my shirt. “I need you to perform a spell for me.”

Her pale blue eyes are locked on me, but she seems nervous, which has me Copyright 2016 - 2024