Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,83

definitely going to need to remind her of the fact she trusts me more than anyone, because I love her.

And, orgasms.

Crew Vega’s eyes shift to me and he pauses before lifting his chin. “Done.”

I accept his one-word apology and nod because, one: I’ll do anything for Bella, and two: I didn’t fucking do anything wrong to begin with.

Bella turns to me. “See? Less than a minute.”

Grady barks a laugh and Crew clears his throat. “Let’s get started. The last couple days have been busy and we’re all doing shit we don’t normally do. Ozzy’s background includes military imaging and surveillance. This shit is impressive,” he waves to the screens on the wall behind him, “and an investment.”

Ozzy is one of Crew’s newer recruits but hasn’t been sent out on assignment yet. He has been busy, like everyone else, with Bella’s shit.

And now, mine.

He points to the first screen. “This is camp. It’s a good idea to have another eye on things besides the ground cameras.”

“Where are the feeds coming from?” I ask. The CIA can do this shit any day of the week, but not everyone can.

Ozzy keeps talking. “Satellite. Crew’s not kidding, this is an investment. He’s the proud new owner of Reskill, a satellite company with over one hundred and forty satellites around the world.”

“You bought an entire satellite company while we were in the Caribbean?” Bella asks, mirroring my thoughts.

Crew shrugs. “I’ve been contemplating it for months. I can follow my men while they’re on assignment and keep a better eye on my property and Whitetail. It was in motion and this pushed it along.”

“It’s not only video surveillance. We can now communicate with camp safely over our own private network—no more going dark. We can also capture electromagnetic wavelengths to sense radar and hyper-spectral images. Fuck clouds and buildings—we can sense figures through them and measure something down to a millimeter. This,” Ozzy juts a thumb over his shoulder, “is the shit.”

I cross my arms. “Impressive. I bet you can do almost anything we can do.”

“That’s my plan,” Crew says and nods back to Ozzy. “And he knows how to work this shit because the rest of us have no clue yet.”

I point to the middle screen. “I see you’re spying on my house, but what’s on the other one?”

“The church.” Asa moves to the head of the table. “But it’s no church. And Wendy Sisson made her first visit we witnessed. There was a meeting in the backroom of the building where every human on the property congregated. It lasted fourteen minutes then she was out of there like a streak of shit. We’re working on getting facial IDs on the others.”

I sigh because this is a lot, but it’s also nothing. Not one new piece of information we can do anything with.

“Your boss is a prick,” Jarvis adds.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I mutter.

“Your house has been quiet other than a couple of deliveries. It seems you living and breathing stresses Peterson out. We heard it on the wires. He’s got his tighty-whities in a bunch over you returning to work tomorrow.”

I pull a hand down my face. “Yeah. I can’t wait.”

Jarvis pulls something out of his back pocket and flings it across the room to me. When I catch it, I see it’s my government issued cell phone my boss was using to track me. “I went to the Kennedy Center. Had to BS my way through security and tell them my cell was locked up in the coat room. That was almost as enjoyable as dealing with my insurance company over my stolen and fucked-up Porsche. You’re a fun guy to have around.”

Bella and I would be D-E-A-D if I gave a shit about his car, so I ignore that and wave my phone at him. “Appreciate it. You saved me a shit-ton of paperwork over a lost cell.”

“Don’t turn that on until you hit the highway tomorrow,” Crew warns.

“You know, we don’t usually work together in this capacity, but I’m not an idiot,” I bite.

“This is all fascinating,” Bella interjects. “But can we please move on to Randolph and Marie Kasey?”

Crew holds up a hand. “Hang on. We’re getting to that because this shit is a puzzle we’re still piecing together.”

Grady steps up to the table. “Here’s the most interesting thing about the last twenty-four hours. As soon as Randolph touched down in Virginia, he texted Sisson.”

I feel my own expression fall. “What the fuck?”

Grady flips open the phone book Copyright 2016 - 2024