Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,8

fact. I’m not fucking around with details anymore.”

She pulls in a big breath and I can tell she’s almost due for a pain pill. I see it in her eyes but I can also see her mulling over my offer. Which is why I don’t give her a chance to accept or reject it. She’s too proud to admit she needs my help.

She’s also too scared to admit she wants me as much as I want her.


Her eyes meet mine and they’re stormy with indecision.

I choose for her. “It’s a deal. Get ready, sweetness. It’s game on.”

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth.

Oh, yeah.




Chapter 3

The Moment


“Do I look like I’m in the mood to babysit your fresh-out-of-the-box operative? This is not the case to toss your newb into the fire. I get why we need to partner on this, but I’m not going to be the bodyguard for your MI6 princess.”

I look at the tall, dark, handsome, yet broody beast of a man standing opposite me in the briefing room. “Would someone please inform the foolish American my CV speaks for itself?”

Cole Carson … his name alone sounds like an Old West character or a teeny bopper groomed by Disney to become the next pop-music sensation. He’s wearing trousers and a crisp, white linen button-down, rolled at the forearms. He’s got at least six or seven inches on me and I stand flat-footed at five-nine. But unlike my slight frame, he’s broad and looks like he could smash boulders with his ape hands and thick, veined arms. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’d been on holiday, lounging on the beaches of the Mediterranean for the last month. He’s clearly going for the wandering tourist and friendly bloke look.

I grew up around covert agents. My family’s love affair with British Intelligence started with my grandfather. Then my father followed in his loafers. My older brothers—who put me through hell but also taught me hand-to-hand combat—are currently deep under and have been for some years now. My family was only moderately surprised when I announced my ambitions at the ripe age of eighteen. I’m not sure what else I would have done. I’m a Donnelly—this work pumps through my veins.

I turn to the man who’s bloody scowled since our introduction. It’s time I put him in his place—we have a case to focus on. “For your information, I’m not new, nor do I need a nanny. I have two completed cases tucked in my garter. They need a lovey-dovey couple on this and I fit half that bill. I know my part and will play it well—I’ll garner all the attention so you can play the superhero. You can go ahead and thank me in advance for making you look good.”

He narrows his eyes. “I don’t need anyone to make me look good, but I do need a partner who won’t crack under pressure and one I can count on to have my back. I highly doubt you’re that person.”

“Well then, I’ll take that as a compliment as to how skilled I am. If I can fool a cocky bastard into thinking I’m not a threat, our target will have no clue.”

His square jaw hardens as my words sink in. I’ve never let anyone fuck with me and the arse standing across the room will not be the first. I take a step and offer him my hand. “Carson, a pleasure, I’m sure.”

Carrying out our little chat as though there isn’t an army surrounding us, he finally gives in. Shaking his head once, he moves, his hand swallowing mine as if he’s the whale and I’m the helpless guppy. He holds tight but I stand my ground, as I always do.

He raises one thick, arched brow. “This will be interesting. What should I call you while I’m playing babysitter?”

I tip my head. “Since we’re supposed to be lovers, I suppose you should call me Bella.”

His hand squeezes mine tightly, no doubt trying to prove some idiotic point that he’s superior because he was born with a cock. “Fine. Do me a favor and don’t get me killed … Bella.”


I look over from where I’ve been staring out the window. We’ve driven through the city and sat in a load of traffic. I forgot how the western world can get so congested. Now, the lush, green countryside rushes by and vines snake their way up tree trunks, strangling them—which is fittingly symbolic. I’m feeling sympathetic to those trees right now Copyright 2016 - 2024