Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,74

even if you begged me for a quick fuck right now, the answer is a hard no. We don’t have time.”

I don’t give him the satisfaction of talking about any kind of fuck—quick or otherwise. “When is our flight back?”

He steps into his boxers and yanks them up, tucking his cock inside. “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? But we knew Randolph was scheduled to fly out this afternoon.”

“We have plans tonight.”

“What plans? There’s too much going on. We need to get back.”

He pulls on a clean pair of shorts but leaves them unbuttoned as he grabs my hips and pulls me flush to his bulge. “Team Bella has it covered back in Virginia. Get ready. Doesn’t matter what you wear but we’re getting on a boat.”

“A ferry back to St. Thomas?”

“No, a different kind of boat. A charter. Just for the evening.”

I shake my head. “No. We need to get back. There’s nothing more for us to learn here.”

A big hand dips into my hair, gripping the back of my head. His lips come close to mine, and when I think he’s going to kiss me, he stops. The tip of his nose brushes mine and it feels like a threat when tangled with his words. “Sweetness, do not argue with me. Tomorrow’s Monday and I’m not anxious to walk the halls of the CIA where people are threatening to kill Americans—me being one of them. I can’t strut my ass back into work like nothing happened.”

“You can and you should,” I argue. “I killed both men. They have no proof it was us, and if they did, they can’t very well pin it on you when they are the ones who wanted you dead to begin with. The walls of Langley might be the safest place for you right now.”

He cocks a thick brow. “Maybe.”

“Definitely,” I counter.

He shrugs. “I need to consider my options. Either way, we’re still getting on a boat tonight.”

“Does this boat ride have anything to do with me getting my life back?”

“Not particularly.”

“Then I have no desire.”

He shakes his head. “Baby. You said you trusted me and I take that for what it means. Now, if there’s anything else for you to do to get ready, do it. We’re getting on that fucking boat even if I have to tie you up and carry you onboard. We leave in an hour.”

He slides a hand to my arse for a quick grope before letting go and disappearing into the bathroom. The man has given me an orgasm, felt me up in my sleep, feels free to palm my ass, but has kept to his word and not kissed me.

One more thing to be hella frustrated about.

Damn him.


“This is not a boat, Cole. This is a yacht. An enormous one.”

“Welcome aboard the Endless Horizon.” A man in a uniform takes Bella’s hand as I board behind her. “I’m First Officer Metivier. This way. Everything has been arranged.”

I put a hand to Bella’s back to give her a nudge but she stops, turns to me, and lowers her voice. “What is arranged? You know I hate surprises.”

“If you’d follow him, it won’t be a surprise anymore. You’re only torturing yourself by standing here and dragging this shit out.”

“You know I’m not enjoying this. Being out here on the water, I feel stranded and out of control.”

I lower my voice. “Do you really think after all you’ve been through I’d put you in any position that wasn’t safe? The crew doesn’t know our real names. No one on the island knows our real names. Randolph is home. Marie Kasey is still walking around, being annoying-as-hell. And from the last reports, my boss is shaking in his boots since Asa went to my house, logged into my laptop, and sent an email that I was taking a sick day tomorrow for Abbott but will be back Tuesday, ready to rule the world. I’m getting sick of saying this Bella, but you need to trust me.”

She doesn’t move and crosses her arms.

Hell, she could keep this up all night. I grab her hand and move through the aft open patio of the yacht and into the door where the guy in white disappeared. Looking left and right, I see him at the end of a hall, waiting for us in front of a closed door. Ignoring the pull on my hand, I surge forward until we reach him.

I turn to her as I grip the handle to the door with my free hand. Dipping my Copyright 2016 - 2024