Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,70

to make you come.”

Keeping her tits pressed to me, she leans up on a forearm to gaze down. I see it in her eyes. She wants it.

“Then I’m going to come,” I add and her eyes widen. “And you’re going to watch. I want you to see what you’ve done to me for months.”

I flip her to her back and her bra hits the floor before I have a chance to settle between her legs. We never bothered to turn off the lamp when we stumbled into her room—lips locked and pawing heavier than a couple of lions mating on National Geographic.

She doesn’t try to hide herself but it could be because she can’t take her eyes off my boxers sliding down my thighs. When my cock bounces free, I silently promise him some action to make him feel better—just a different kind than we thought tonight was going to bring.

When the only piece of clothing left on the bed are the panties still snug on her ass, I don’t take my eyes off hers as I fist myself followed by one tight pump. Bella’s tongue sneaks out and I’m forced to wipe the vision of her swallowing me balls deep. After what I learned, that’s not going to happen for a while and I’m surprised at how okay I am with it.

“Do you trust me?” I ask, slowly pulling my fist up and down.

She drags her feet up to her ass and presses her thighs together. “With what?”

“With everything.”

Those long, smooth thighs overlap and I lose her eyes.

“Bella,” I call for her.

She lifts her lids and swallows hard before giving me the nod.

“Say it,” I demand. “After what you just told me, I need to hear it.”

Very English and all Bella, her words wrap me in a vise with no key. It’s at this moment I realize I’m fucked—in every way I never expected. “I trust you, Cole.”

I let go of my needy dick and reach for her hips. By the time her panties pass her toes, she tucks her feet back to her ass with her legs glued together. I’m knees to the bed, looming over her.

There’s no push or pull when I slip a finger between her knees. Her long legs part willingly and I find myself in a place I only imagined while in the shower or late at night in the room next to hers, hating the wall that kept her from me.

Now, there’s nothing between us, nothing tangible, anyway. Had I only known there would be something else much bigger than I ever imagined.


Her innocence.

I’ve never been with a virgin.

I cut the gaze between us, dropping my eyes to her spread before me. Open. Trusting. Untouched.

All fucking mine.

I spread my knees, sitting back on my calves, and drag a finger down her inner thigh. Only when I touch her pussy for the first time do I look up at her. “What about this?”

Her tits rise and fall quicker now with each breath. “What about what?”

“You never,” I look down at my index finger circling the topic at hand, “but has anyone done this? Touched you?” I spread her farther and find I was right. Her clit is as needy as my cock. I circle her swollen little organ, promising it great things in the future. “Played with you?”

She closes her eyes and her exhale comes sharper than a razor. “Would you care for my sexual CV, Carson?”

“Carson.” I barely dip a finger inside her, enough to spread her want everywhere, clit to ass. Getting to know her as she gets to know my touch. “Thought you dropped Carson a long time ago. I’m not Cole to many people, baby, but it’s who I want to be to you.”

“No, dammit,” she clips and opens her eyes. “No one has done what you’re doing besides me. Are you happy?”

“Yeah.” I confirm the feeling coursing through my veins. “I’m actually really happy. Not going to lie—tonight is not turning out like I thought it was going to. Never could’ve thought this up but it’s actually a hell of a lot better.”

I feel like I know her well by now. Working two months straight with someone while traveling gives you the benefit of learning a whole lot more about your coworker than you would sitting at a desk.

“Love being the first to do this, baby. The first to touch you.”

Her eyelids fall and she white-knuckles the sheets below her. “Oh my God.”

“I know. I’m pretty fucking amazing,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024