Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,53

to stuff a roll into Bella’s trap, the lights dim and Morgan Freeman’s voice replaces the elevator music as a new video plays on the big screens.

Bella claps her hands faster than our dinner was served. “Oh, yay. It’s starting!”


Working undercover is tedious and tricky. Sometimes you need to disappear in a crowd and, others, you demand the spotlight so you can dance in it. Playing the room, understanding your role, and most importantly, keeping your eye on the target is the key to any successful operation.

Then, there are other times when the universe looks down and bestows you with a sprinkle of luck.

The latter is what happened tonight when Marie Kasey—investigative reporter and now my number one person of interest—plopped her grumpy arse down beside me. Though, I have to say, she’s shit at her job and has no business calling herself an investigator of any sorts since she’s dismissed my attentions all evening.

But I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’ll take my luck and have it with a side of biscuits.

I’ve taken my spotlight and have done what’s needed of me. Cole, on the other hand, has sat and gobbled up our mass-produced and over-priced meal as if it were his last without uttering a word. Tonight, his job is to be invisible. Like always, he’s brilliant at it.

I jabbered into Marie’s ear relentlessly and she continued to ignore me throughout Randolph’s entire speech where he went on and on and ON about his own efforts toward conservation in his home state, but really just about himself. Tonight screamed red, white, and blue politics. If Marie is one of his side pieces, I do wonder how she manages living through his self-righteousness while remaining conscious.

I clap when he finishes and the lights come up. “That was so interesting! I wish someone would do this for the crabs.”

Marie doesn’t try to hide the somersaults in her eyes as she scoots her chair out. Surely it’s a lie when she states, “It’s been fun.”

“Oh!” I reach for her forearm to stop her. “Let me get your number. We can meet for drinks.”

“I’m busy.”

“Of course you are. Your job has to be so demanding. But if you’re ever in Orlando, I can get you free passes to Disney!”

She pulls her arm from my grasp. “I’m not into amusement parks.”

“Really?” I frown. “But there’s something for everyone at the Magic Kingdom.”

Her eyes shift to the stage before she shoots me a cheeky smile that might as well be death lasers. “Like I said, it was fun, but there’s someone I need to speak with.”

“Right. Always working. Find me before you skedaddle!”

Her smile is tighter than my dress and she turns, escaping my glittery charms.

Randolph is also on the move, shaking hands and politicking his way through the masses. I stand so I can be seen and collect my clutch, knowing Cole will be close behind. Probably too close—we’ll have a chat about that later.

I start for Randolph but slow when he changes course and storms toward the exit. I’ve worked too hard to be here tonight and cannot allow him to get away. As quick as I can in my fancy new shoes, I follow.

He’s out the door and I have to double time it to keep up. I ignore the twinge of pain zinging through my midsection and silently curse the fact I’m not up to par. I miss my healthy body and took it for granted.

Randolph takes a right and slides behind the coat check counter closed for the season, and disappears behind a door. I peek in before following and find rows upon rows of tall mahogany garment racks. I move quickly over the worn carpet to the right, behind a set of lockers—their keys dangling from the locks. The place is a ghost town since it’s currently hotter than hades in Virginia.

Randolph paces and mutters profanities. Peeking around the corner, I see him put his cell to his ear. “We need to talk before you leave. I won’t put up with this shit. I’m in the coat check room.”

I silently open my clutch and pull back the lining I tucked away perfectly. I’d bet all the pounds I’ve earned with blood and sweat during my time in Pakistan that he called my new friend, the reporter. Normally, I wouldn’t need to arm myself with the likes of the two of them, but since I’m not up to snuff, I slide out the narrow Copyright 2016 - 2024