Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,44

separate her indignation for me while learning a new language is proof enough she has Cole’s blood running through her veins. Her father was always able to separate his desires, frustrations, or displeasures from any assignment he was given.

Speak of the devilish man himself, his voice booms at me through the thin walls. “Get a move on, sweetness. It’s gonna take us over an hour to get to the Kennedy Center in Saturday traffic.”

I smooth the inky locks framing my face before sliding my hands down my breasts to adjust the dress. I’ve lost weight and that has unfortunately affected my cleavage, even though I never had much to begin with.

Gracie worked her personal-shopper magic and did what I needed her to do. I might not prefer red normally, but in this case, it’s perfect. Unlike the last few years where I’ve had to hide and blend into the rocky landscape to keep from being burned at the stake, tonight I need to stand out. I want the attention of everyone in that room if that’s what it takes.

My neckline plunges deeply and a slit spikes up my leg, both to dangerously sexy levels. I said I wanted to show some skin, and this gown shows a lot while still hiding my scar. The halter clasps behind my neck and I’m bare to the small of my back.

From the black wig that kisses my shoulder blades to the fire of my dress, they’re both a stark contrast against my fair skin. I finish painting my lips ruby and take a look at myself in the mirror.

My gut twists a tinge and has nothing to do with my itchy, healing scar or insides which surely aren’t up to snuff yet.

My mind wanders and I’m brought back to another time and another world. When I was new and nervous—but only inwardly so. I never allowed anyone to know that about me. Not even when I was thrown into the caldron with the arsehole American by my side who had no desire to indoctrinate me on how to cross the street, let alone to the ways of working undercover.

Cole Carson owns so many of my firsts. Sometimes I love it, and others, moments such as this one, it may as well be a slash through my heart. Everything important to me will always be tied to him.

Knotted and tangled.


Like a noose.

“Baby, did you hear me?”

I look up from the stranger I’m staring at in the mirror who doesn’t even have my eyes, thanks to the dark brown contacts I asked Gracie to get me at the last minute. When my imposter browns meet his authentic ones through the mirror, the air in the room grows thick.

I should have known when Cole insisted on butting his way into my plans he would play his role perfectly. As extra as I am right now, he’s utterly simple—if a man as beautiful as him could ever be referred to as basic. His raven tux is classic with straight lines, fitting his strapping frame like a second skin. His crisp white shirt has yet to be buttoned at the neck, and the black tie I know for a fact he can whip into a bow with his eyes closed, hangs loose and uneven around his neck.

“Feels like I’ve been thrown back in time.” He snaps the silence in two, like a cracker on Boxing Day. His eyes drop to my arse before popping back up to mine in the mirror. “But I don’t remember your ass hanging out during our first operation.”

My red lips thin and I snatch the silk clutch sitting in front of me and spin on my Louboutin heel, because Gracie does not fuck around when it comes to shopping. “I’m ready.”

Now he gets a look at the deep V, taped to my shrunken breasts and below so it won’t budge. “You really think now is the time to attract the attention of the western hemisphere?”

“I know whose attention I need. From my research, he’s a womanizing, misogynistic pile of cow shit.” I lift my naked shoulder and tip my wigged head. “I’ll be hand feeding him poisonous grapes in no time.”

He stands rigid and his body goes wired. “You told me you wanted to get close to him, not shimmy up to him to make half his dreams come true.”

I round the foot of his bed. “Darling, you sound jealous, and quite frankly, you look horrendous in green.” When we’re toe to toe, Copyright 2016 - 2024