Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,42

turn the key and flip the AC to high. The humidity is a bitch today.

“Yes shit. And this church does not operate on its own. This, I’m still looking into. Grady’s helping me. We think their funding is coming from a bigger source. They operate on about fifty acres west of our camp. Ozzy has taken the lead on this—he’s also a licensed drone pilot. We’re trying to get an aerial view.”

“This is not what I expected.”

“Us either. Sisson is so far up Peterson’s ass about this assignment, she’s got him shaking in his loafers. We’re working on the connection between Sisson and the veteran they want dead. But Peterson is having no problem throwing you under the bus because it hasn’t happened yet.”

“Why am I not surprised?” I mutter.

“You shouldn’t be, you work for the asshole. But Crew isn’t going to take an assignment on an American, much less one he can’t prove is doing anything wrong. He’s pissed and wants to get to the bottom of it now that we’re all investigators. Let me tell you, this is time consuming as hell.”

“I appreciate it since I can only do so much without anyone noticing. And there’s the fact I’m already buried.”

“Crew would’ve done anything for Bella before she stepped in and saved the day with Jarvis. Now there are no boundaries he won’t cross.”

I sigh. “Then he needs to do me a solid and quit contracting with her. I’m doing everything I can to keep her here. She doesn’t need to be in the middle of a fucking warzone to do what she does best.”

“Talk to Crew.”

I back out of my spot and head to Langley. “I have. And I will again. I need him to have my back on this.”

“Crew has Bella’s back. He won’t go against what she wants. She’s too good and integral to his work. He respects her and my guess is you will not be a part of that conversation.”

“Right,” I seethe into the phone. “I appreciate you digging.”

“I’m all for pushing boundaries. Talk soon.”

I hang up and veer onto the highway. I’ve never thought twice about Wendy Sisson. I don’t know what she’s up to but she doesn’t know me. I do not fulfill kill orders that aren’t vetted and I don’t take blind directives from my superiors. I’d rather ask for forgiveness later than live with something on my conscience that can’t be undone.

My phone lights up again. Fuck me, I feel like a Super Bowl champion quarterback, I’m so popular today.

I answer on Bluetooth. “Ollie, my main man. Tell me you found the Donnelly brothers. I need some good news.”

“Carson!” he belts over background noise. “I miss the sound of your voice, my luscious fella. Why don’t we talk every day?”

“Because I have a life.”

“Huh?!” His voice booms through the cab of my truck. “I can’t hear ya.”

I yell back. “Yes. We should talk daily.”

“That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Ya do love me!”

“Ollie. What do you have for me?”

“I’m at the pub so I can’t say much. But you’ll be getting a call from a certain brother sooner than later. How much do ya love me now?”

I take a big breath because it’s finally time the ball falls in my court. I need something to go right for a change. “I love you, Ollie.”

“Pinch me in the knickers, I knew it!” He angles the phone away but I can still hear every word. “Hey, love, I need another pint. Bless ya. Okay, I’m back. Listen, I’ve been watchin’ Dr. Phil. If you need my help or advice or simply a good rubdown to release some tension, I’m here for ya. I’m afraid ya could end up with some family drama made only for the telly.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I’m good.” I keep yelling into my cab. “And I appreciate you getting me in touch. I owe you.”

For a second, I only hear the party in the background. Then Ollie finally comes to life. “Carson owes Ollie? Fuck! I need to figure out how I want you to pay this debt. I could use a good American handjob right about now. Why do we have an entire bloody ocean between us? I feel like the universe is plotting against us, Carson.”

“It definitely is.” I silently thank the continental drift for the ocean between Ollie and me. “Like I said, I owe you. Have a good time, man.”

“Love ya right back! I wish I could kiss ya!”

I hang up. If Bella Copyright 2016 - 2024