Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,27

I have a feeling everything has changed. “You get a tail number? Where’s he going?”

“No tail number and I don’t know. It’s pitch dark here in the early morning hours. I’ve got a friend who works at the main airport. I’ll pick his brain tomorrow. Until then, I know nothing.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. “You didn’t know he was taking a trip?”

We suspected a small up-and-coming terrorist cell was behind an attack on a commuter train last month in Germany. I’ve had Raji on them ever since and it hasn’t been an easy go. Especially for the whole damn week when he didn’t check in with me.

His car door slams and an engine sputters to life. “No. I followed the convoy as far as I could before moving in on foot. I saw him board the plane with two lower-level soldiers. They were carrying small bags but that’s it.”

“I want to know where they’re going. In a plane that size, it can’t go far without refueling. Names, Raji. I need names.”

“Don’t treat me like a fool, Carson. I know what you need.”

“Listen.” I lean forward and lower my voice. “My boss is up in my ass about you. I know you’re doing your best and you know I’ll cover for you because you’re good. I was working from home last week and somehow he found out you weren’t answering my calls.”

“I explained. You think I’m gonna call you if it isn’t safe?”

“That’s what I told him. He sees you as a piece of his budget—and a big one. I’m the one justifying your paycheck. Keep feeding me information, Raji. You about gave me a heart attack last week—thought our whiskey-drinking days were over.”

His old engine revs to match the laugh I’m more than familiar with. “You know I’m always up for whiskey. Make it Irish, even better.”

“You give me a name, tell me where this guy turns up, and what the hell he’s doing there, I’ll send you a case and find a way for Uncle Sam to foot the bill.”


“Don’t lose your head.”

“Don’t worry. I like my head where it sits.”

The line goes dead.

I open the document I spent the last hour drafting. I need to get this shit done so I can get home and make sure Red was on his best behavior during his first day alone with Bella.


“Cole has been fine, all on his own.”

I nod to the woods in front of me and pick up my glass of water. I’m grateful my strength isn’t up to par or I might crush it with rage-filled adrenaline alone.

“He’s got Abbott and he’s got me to help with Abbott. From what I can tell, he should be up for a promotion soon.”

After taking a sip of my too warm water, I don’t look at him when I finally respond, “I have no doubt Cole is flourishing in his life here, Red.”

I escaped the cool house over an hour ago to move my body. I was a pile of rubbish after only fifteen minutes—flat-out exhausted. Escaping my current state of hell isn’t going to be on the docket anytime soon if I can’t do more than hobble through the woods like a maimed animal.

I’m used to the heat and humidity so sitting outside in the summer is nothing. At least it wasn’t until Red decided to join me. He planted his arse on the opposite side of the front stoop from yours truly. Ever since, Cole’s father has been informing me of all the ways his beloved son is handling life on his own—meaning, without me.

“Flourishing? Nope, that’s what my tomato plants are doin’. Cole is fuckin’ killing it.”

For the first time since he joined me, I look over at him and force myself to smile. “I’ve no doubt.”

The phone Cole gave me yesterday vibrates where it’s sitting on my thigh.

Cole – How’re you doing, sweetness?

No sooner than I put my fingers to the screen, Red demands, “Who’s that? Cole told me to keep an eye on you.”

“I’m sure he did,” I mutter.

Me – Fine.

Cole – Why do you not sound fine?

Me – No, really. I’m good. I managed some exercise. I’m up to a 5k.

Cole – The fuck you are. You couldn’t even sleep on your side last night without me.

Like I need to be reminded.

“You still working over there on the other side of the world?”

I look at Red. “Yes. It’s harder not actually being there, but I’m trying to keep up.”

Cole – Copyright 2016 - 2024