Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,145

all of a sudden, we’re not on the edge of the dance floor anymore. We’re swallowed by bodies when the beat of the music changes. The decibel increases and the energy of the crowd, that was already off the charts, hits another level altogether.

People start to move, some holding their drinks high, others using both hands to do exactly what the song states, exploring their partner, as Ed Sheeran croons on about clubs, dancing, and lovers.

I find myself pressed between strangers whose names I don’t know and another I only know as Eli. My friends are nowhere to be seen and I feel hands on my hips steadying me. Holding me tight, Eli stands tall in the crowd and scans the area around us before catching my eyes again. The lights disappear other than strobes that spark to the beat of the music.

When I look into his darkened features, he says nothing, but he tips his head and cocks a brow.

An invitation.

A silent one … but still, an invitation all the same.

No way would I ever dance with creepy blond guy—but Eli? The new-to-town, responsible man with a fascinating tattoo who stopped drinking to make sure his friends get home safely? Yeah, I can stay for one more song for him.

My only answer to his silent bidding is to bring my hands up to cover his that are still low on my hips and let the music take over. I might have started it by the sway of my hips under his big hands, but that’s all it takes.

After that, it’s all him.

Pulling me tight, every muscle of his body moves with mine, from my shoulders to my knees. And every inch of him is lean and rock hard and warm.

No. Not warm.


His hands move, one holding me tight at the small of my back and the other snaking up to twist my hair in his fist, forcing me to tip my head and look into his rugged dark features. From this close, his strong, stubbled jaw is in line with my eyes, and my already-heated body goes into overdrive when his tongue sneaks out to wet his full lips.

Holy fuck.

I exhale a whoosh of air. That must have gotten his attention because his eyes jump to mine right before he pulls me closer. His breath is warm on my temple as Ed sings on, his words and music impossibly sexier than I ever realized while in the arms of a stranger named Eli.

Just as I drag my hands up his body, feeling his abs and wide chest through his thin tee, his hand drops to my ass for a quick squeeze before he spins me, holding my back to his front. But now, I feel all of him, his hands tight on my hips and his face dips, pressing into my hair. I let my head fall back onto his shoulder when his groin moves against my lower back and ass. His hand sneaks around my waist, dipping under the hem of my blouse to tease my bare skin, and it’s all I can do not to give him my weight.

In all my thirty years, I’ve never experienced a sexier four minutes. At this moment, I think I’d do anything he asks as long as he never stops touching me.

My body is buzzing in a whole new way—a better way. An off-the-charts way.

But all good things end.

It seems to be the fucking rule of my life because, just as the song is winding down, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Like a bucket of ice water, the warm body encasing mine stills. As if an alarm woke me from an erotic dream filled only with music and a stranger, the tremor of my phone rocks us both out of the moment. My dance partner’s hands tense and, just like that, I lose his heat.

He lets go of me and I have to catch myself on my heels from the loss of his support. I turn to look at him and what I see is not what I expect.

His expression is hard and he’s glaring as if I’ve committed a crime—a terrible one, at that.

I try to catch my breath and he brings his hand up and roughly grips the back of his neck as his glare intensifies which makes my insides tighten. Dammit, I’m always in control—of myself and most definitely my emotions. I almost jump when my ass vibrates again and I hate that I’m left feeling rejected after only one dance with a stranger.

I look down at my phone. It’s Donny. He’s here, waiting for me, double parked at the front door. Just like always, he said he’d be there until I’m ready.

Reaching up, I tuck my hair behind my ear and hate that my face is probably flushed more from his touch than the heat of the crowd. When I sneak one last look, hoping for some explanation of his sudden change in demeanor, I find the same stormy, dark eyes.

Wanting nothing more than to escape, I don’t even take the time to find my friends. It’s late. I’ll send Donny back for them. Waving my cell lamely, I mutter, “My ride is here.”

I don’t want to touch him again, but have no choice since he’s standing between me and my much-needed exit. Putting my hand to his wide chest, I give the guy a decent shove and he shifts, forcing me to brush by him as I muster up all my confidence to walk with purpose.

And I do.

I walk away. It was only four fucking minutes. I know nothing about him and he hardly spoke a handful of words. Though, he did rescue Mr. Blondie from a broken nose that would have possibly meant blood all over me.

So maybe he saved me.

No. I would’ve been fine. Eli was a convenient, yet sexy, excuse to escape from an asshole and I took it. It just sucks Eli, the stranger, turned out to be an ass, too.

I push through the front doors and just like he said he would be, Donny is standing beside our black Escalade. He’s worked for my family for years and, since he’s good at his job, his eyes are on me before I even spot him. He does all kinds of things for Montgomery Industries and on the ranch for my dad. Sometimes he’s security but on nights like tonight, he’s my driver.

Right now, I’m more grateful for him than ever.

He holds the back-passenger door open for me as I hurry to him, cars trying to make their way around the double-parked SUV.

As I take his hand, climbing up into the back, he asks, “You okay, Jenny? Where’re the others?”

“I’m fine. Just too tired and too old for this. Do you mind coming back for them?”

Donny, who’s in his late forties with a full head of beautiful peppered-gray hair, smiles. “Don’t you worry. I’ll get them home safe and sound.”

I sink into the leather seat and reach for my seatbelt. My adrenaline crashing, I’m suddenly exhausted and can’t even muster a small smile for one of my favorite people. “Thanks.”

He shuts my door and, when he moves to walk around the back, my eyes dart to the sidewalk where Eli has appeared. It’s like night and day seeing him under the bright streetlight, but it doesn’t change a thing. Even though I know he can’t see me through the dark tinted windows, it feels as if he’s staring straight into my soul when he runs a hand roughly down his face before closing his eyes.

“Traffic isn’t bad. We should be at your place in less than ten minutes.” Donny slides behind the driver’s seat and I hear the turn signal as he waits to merge.

I let my manners ingrained into me by Hattie Montgomery take over but I know it sounds disingenuous since I can't take my eyes off my dance partner. “Thank you.”

As Donny pulls away, Eli throws his tattooed arm down and, even though I can’t hear it from inside the soundproof Cadillac, the last thing I see is the word fuck tumbling angrily from his lips.

The same lips that brushed my hair, my skin, and hummed into my ear on the makeshift dance floor.

Then, he’s gone.

And for someone who manages millions on a daily basis and deals with some of the shrewdest men in the industry, I find myself feeling … alone.

What the fuck?

That’s when I decide I’m never going out again. Copyright 2016 - 2024