Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,132

gives me a warning.

I bring my hand holding the gun up and press the side of it to Devon’s back. Then I take a deep breath.

“Say goodbye to your sister and move away, Devon. That is, if you want to walk out of here with your head attached,” Randolph drawls.

Cole counts. “Three.”

“I’m a Donnelly. You don’t know who you’re fucking with,” Devon grits.


“It’s no skin off my back.” Randolph shrugs. “You think I can’t buy someone else? Ollie’s on his way to pick up the money. Maybe he needs a promotion to do the work himself.”


“You’re wrong,” Devon bites back. “But Ollie is finally going down and so are you, now that you just admitted everything to NSA.”

Randolph’s face contorts.

“Now,” I whisper.

“Go!” Cole grits in my ear.


I’m first through the door.

Bullets fill the old building, ricocheting off walls and pews and bursting through stained glass that turn into exploding rainbows filling the night.

The only thing I see is Bella, flying into the pews, but not under her own accord.

Devon pushed her.

Or, more like threw her.

I don’t see how she lands because Devon falls—flat to the ground from where he was standing.

Randolph dives the opposite way.

My eyes move to the side and there’s Wendy Sisson. Her eyes land on me and she frowns.

Her gun shifts my way. I aim but don’t have a chance to pull the trigger when her stunned eyes widen.

A bullet through the head.

I turn in time to see Bella tucking herself behind her pew from where she took out Wendy.

The men storm in behind me and I barely have time to yell for them to get down as bullets fly toward us.


Bella peers around the edge of the pew with her gun trained across the aisle. I stoop and make my way to the back of the church as the rest of the men scatter.

I press the button on my earpiece. “If someone draws him out, I can get a clear shot.”

Bella’s gun pops over the back of her pew.

“Dammit, Bella. Not you,” I grit as she rapid fires toward the other side of the building.

I keep moving to the back of the church. It’s the only way out and his only choice.

I take a knee, aim, and wait.

It only takes a few seconds as bullets continue to fly when Crew calls it.


The senator has no choice but to escape. He comes crawling out like a dog and, I’m such an asshole, I whistle and call for him. “Randolph!”

His head jerks and he catches my eyes. I want him to know exactly how he dies before it happens. I’m making sure he’ll never fuck with me, or my family, ever again. It’s what he gets for even thinking about touching Bella.

I pull the trigger.

One shot.


I move to him and Wendy to kick their guns away from their lifeless bodies.

That’s when I hear Bella, and this time she isn’t calling for me, but rather her brother.

Chapter 44

Cocky Self



It was all I could do to focus on the damn gunfight with Devon lying in the open aisle. I crawl to his crumpled body, blood creeping out from beneath him.

I can’t find my breath and my heart twists.

“Devon,” I call and grab his shoulder to roll him to his back. He blinks once, and in slow motion, his eyes shift to me. “Oh, thank God. Where are you hit?”

He tries to reach up but winces. “Shoulder.”


I look up and Cole is rushing toward us, ripping off his helmet and I demand, “Call an ambulance.”

Cole doesn’t go for his phone, but Crew does. Instead, Cole takes a knee and puts a hand to the side of my face. “Are you okay?”

“I only hit my head.” I look back down to my brother. “He’s losing blood.”

“Ambulance is on its way,” Crew announces.

Cole reaches for a utility knife in his belt and cuts Devon’s shirt up the middle to find the wound. He wads up the material and presses it to Devon to stop the bleeding before lifting him. “Exit wound. This’ll probably fuck up your shoulder but you should be okay. Man, this would’ve been way easier if you had given us a heads up.”

I take Devon’s hand in mine and squeeze it, happy tears pooling in my eyes. “I’m so mad at you right now, I’d take you down myself if you weren’t already shot.”

Devon’s smile is not apologetic. He’s damn proud of his cocky self.

“We flushed out Ollie last month but couldn’t take him down until we found the money Copyright 2016 - 2024