Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,129

the worst way by someone I love. If I were walking into this sham of a church naked, I’m not sure I could lay myself more bare than I am now.

I might as well be five again, getting picked on by my big brother who I secretly idolized because he was always the more cunning of the two. Archer, bless him, is a teddy bear in comparison.

I watched Devon arrive alone on the cameras. He came into the States on a commercial flight, though that means nothing. Devon bleeds ingenuity. I’m sure picking up a weapon was the first stop he made when he landed.

Not that I’m into betting my life these days, but I’d be shocked if he isn’t armed.

I hold my head high with a pistol secured at the small of my back and walk through the doors of the building I’ve only seen the footprint of on fancy x-ray sensors. The moment Devon hears me, he whips around.

Pure and unadulterated shock takes over his features, but only for a moment. My cunning brother schools his eyes and smiles.

He smiles.

I’ve lost so much because of him and now he knows I know.

And he fucking smiles.

“Haven’t seen you in ages and now it’s twice in the matter of, what … a week? How many days has it been since our Caribbean rendezvous?”

He’s at the old altar which isn’t an altar any longer. Rows of pews separate us and I stop at the back, the long aisle leading to my lying, murderous brother.

I dread the moment my parents learn of his treacherous ways.

I lean a hip on the end of a pew and put my hand on the other. His eyes follow my movement, like the trained operative he is. He knows I’m one step closer to a battle. “I find your visit coincidental. There are only a few people on earth who know I’m in Virginia and you’re one of them.”

“I have a meeting, Bella. How did you know I was here?”

“You still think so little of me and my connections? I know a lot, Devon.”

“You don’t know shit.”

I take a few steps, closing our distance by two pews. “That’s where you’re wrong. I know everything.”

His brows pinch and his eyes narrow. They’re angry and aggressive when he lifts his chin in a challenge and takes two steps closer to me. “You think you know so much? Enlighten me, little sister.”

“Why? All those people in Spain … your hands are soiled with their blood. Why would you conspire with anyone? For money, of all things. We were raised in the same home. Money was never coveted. What have you become?”

“Fuck you, Bella. Keep talking. It proves you’re clueless.”

I forget about the gun at my back or the likelihood he’s armed, as well. This is personal.

“You killed them!” I scream. “Forty-three of them!” My words echo off the walls, bounce around the beamed ceiling, and back to the wood under our feet. “Seven of them were children! I don’t even care about it being pinned on me right now. How did you become such a monster?”

“Bella!” Cole bellows in my ear and I stop halfway up the aisle where I’ve advanced on Devon.

This is not what I planned, not what any of us planned when we agreed I’d approach first, to try to persuade him to turn himself in for a peaceful ending. I begged for this opportunity, for my family and my parents.

“Bella, listen to me!” Cole growls.

I pause and Devon senses it, demanding, “What is it?”

Cole keeps talking. “You’ve got company we weren’t expecting. Wendy Sisson’s car just drove up. They didn’t catch her, dammit.”


I steal more precious moments and press Devon. “Tell me. I need to know why.”

“Baby, you need to get out of there. Let us finish it. You cannot be caught in the crosshairs. Not again,” Cole says.

Devon and I both hear a car at the same moment. I stiffen but don’t dare turn my back to him.

“Who’s here?” Devon demands. “I know you know. Tell me, Bella.”

“Fuck. Randolph is with her.” Cole grits in my ear. “I’ll come in there and get you if I have to. Get the fuck out! Now!”

I ignore them both.

I don’t take my eyes off Devon. “Mum and Dad … you’re going to break them, you know.”

He shakes his head and looks past me. “Carson wouldn’t let you come alone. He’s talking to you? Is it Randolph?”

“They’re walking up,” Cole growls.

I step into a pew and make a quarter Copyright 2016 - 2024