Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,122

turn to take it in. It’s the first sign of life since the men barged in and nabbed Gary and his minions. Gary is still enjoying his stay at the Vega B&B, but, lucky for him, he gets three delicious take-out meals a day, prepared by none other than the café at Whitetail. I doubt they know they’re feeding our captive. Gary has complained, but not about the food.

At this point, we believe he’s nothing more than a pawn in a much larger game. He is becoming more and more desperate and has given up information about other crimes he’s committed for Wendy Sisson’s organization over the last few years.

We’re keeping him as a witness. When all is said and done, we’ll need him since our illegal wiretaps will not be admissible in court. And quite honestly, given the drastic measures Randolph takes when someone dares to cross him, Gary is safer here. I have no trouble sleeping at night knowing there’s a criminal being kept in the barn next door.

Well, I do have trouble sleeping but it has more to do with the hand on my bum and the man attached to it.

“I’m going to get out of this dress but I’ll be back. I want to see what’s going on there.”

He stops me when I try to move away from him. “Do you need some help?”

“I’m trying to work over here,” Ozzy complains.

As much as I would love that right now, I lean up to kiss Cole. “We shouldn’t push him too far, love. I’ll be right back and I’ll bring food for everyone.”

Chapter 40



I love my job but that doesn’t make me a workaholic. When I was active, I’d count down the minutes until Bella and I could steal precious hours together outside of our cases. Since I’ve been back at Langley, I can’t wait to get home to Abbott. And when this shit is filed under cases solved, to Bella too. I work long hours. I don’t need extra work on the side to keep me busy.

But today, on the day I had to say goodbye to Red, I’m over the damn moon to have this distraction.

And it’s proving to be a doozy.

One car pulling into the scam of a church turns into two.

Two turn into three.

Something is going down because someone feels the need to meet.

Bella has been gone for at least forty-five minutes and I just pulled out my phone to text her to hurry her ass back when car number three arrives.

But I force myself to put my phone down and frown as I lean in to get a better look. “Zoom in on the dark blue sedan.”

Ozzy’s fingers fly over the keyboard. Theoretically, I know the technology allows us to see anything larger than five inches off the ground in high resolution and cameras don’t lie. But my fucking brain doesn’t register what I’m seeing.

It can’t be.

“Keep that camera on him,” I demand. “This feed is being recorded?”

“Do I look like an idiot?”

I don’t acknowledge that and hiss, “Fuck.”

My blood churns and my heart races to catch up. If I didn’t stick to a mostly clean diet and work out at least four times a week, I’d think I was experiencing what Red had four days ago.

This is not good. This is so far off the scales of bad, I’m not sure where we go from here. A heart attack might be a welcome event if it means diverting everyone’s attention from the person walking up to the church located not far from where I stand.

“These ladies are the loveliest I’ve ever known. Do you know what they did?”

I turn and realize I was so overcome by what’s playing out live on the screen, I hadn’t heard her walk into the room. I’m not sure why she complained about the tight dress because her jeans look like a second skin and I’d bet my life she’s not wearing a bra under that T-shirt.

I move to fully block her view. Her arms are full of containers stacked on top of containers, and from the smell, someone’s been busy in the kitchen.

Her icy blues hit mine, innocent of what’s going down behind me. I know I won’t be able to keep it that way for long, if even a few more moments. But the need to throw myself at her, protect her, shield her heart, and her soul is overwhelming.

This will shatter her.

She lifts the containers in her arms. “I feel horrible we’re here Copyright 2016 - 2024