Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,120

more hangers and made a run to Walmart. When Dad turns to me, it’s like looking in the mirror. Same eyes, same hair, same coloring … but everything else? So damn different.

“I want you to promise me something.”

I roll my eyes. “Seriously? You gave me condoms before we left.”

He shakes his head and stares at his feet for two beats before looking up. “Promise you won’t forget where you came from.”

I hike a cocky brow that probably needs to be slapped off my face. “Okay.”

“You’re smart, you’re skilled, and you work hard. I’m proud of you, but do me a favor and deflate that head of yours once a week. It’ll keep you grounded. And it’s worth repeating—don’t forget where you came from.”

“I won’t, Red.” I stuff my hands in my pockets and pull in a big breath. “Promise.”

He rolls his eyes. “Quit calling me Red.”

I shrug. “Whatever, Red.”

Sighing, he moves across the miniscule room and doesn’t stop. He wraps his arms around me as I stand here like a dumbass with my hands in my pockets.

He hugs me. Tight.

Finally, I hug him back.

“And call your mama. She’s sick about leaving you here.”

“I will.”

“And don’t knock anyone up. I’ll drag you out back and beat you myself if you do anything to fuck up your life.”

I nod. I don’t want to fuck up my life, either.

“Love you, boy.”

“Love you, too, Dad.”

There aren’t many people here. A majority of them are the ones who have taken time out of their lives to protect Bella, Abbott, and me.

And, for a short time, Red.

Sure, my dad had friends. I’ll probably eat shit later for making this shindig private. But in the end, do I care?

No, I fucking do not.

Abbott is sitting sideways in my lap facing Bella, who’s tucked to my side. Abbott is playing with my tie and has been since we sat down almost an hour ago. She’s rolled and unrolled that sucker a billion times. Around her wrist, her arm, up to my neck, and in and out of her little fingers. I admire her focus, or lack thereof. Either way, she’s committed to ignoring the show going on at the front of the church and I’m not about to make her pay attention. Abbott and Red had a special relationship. She’s old enough … she’ll never forget him. I know it’s not the typical parenting move since I probably rank in the bottom twenty percent of parents when it comes to doing the right thing.

But since Abbott does rank in the top of her class in reading and math and got that from me, I’m counting on my good genes to get her through.

The pastor, who I do not know, starts to wrap things up and my gut twists.

“Well done, Isaac. You loved your family with all your heart. God rest your soul as you’re reunited with the love of your life, Maggie. You raised your son with love.”

Bella’s hand on my thigh tightens.

“And you gave your heart to your little Abbott.”

Abbott presses her face into my neck. Damn. She actually is paying attention. My throat tightens as her tears roll down my skin and disappear into my dress shirt.

I pull Bella in tighter and press my lips to the side of Abbott’s head, fusing us together—fuck the being who tries to separate us.

After another few lines, the few people I’ve allowed to be here respond, “Amen.”

Bella turns, lays a hand on Abbott’s arm, and leans in to give me a kiss, but stops when the sound of guitar chords come over the shitty sound system of the old chapel. She frowns.

One side of my mouth tips and I lean in to take her lips—chastely, because of church and all—as Charlie Daniels starts to sing Simple Man. I stand, taking Abbott with me, holding her to my hip, and grab Bella’s hand. She smiles and shakes her head before standing in the tight-ass black dress that hugs every curve.

I do my thing—thank the pastor and start shaking hands. When I get to Asa, he does not look like he’s in funeral mode. He’s all business.

He hands me his cell and speaks low. “Just got this. The recruits are manning the control room and they’re getting a lot of chatter. You need to see it.”

I take the phone and scroll with Bella reading over my shoulder. When I reach the end, Bella asks, “Have you identified them?”

Asa shakes his head. “Not yet. Ozzy’s working on it.”

Bella looks at me. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024