Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,12

turns out he’s a mere mortal like the rest of us, and over seven years ago—long before I was in the picture—he was swindled by a horrible woman. She wanted more than the casual relationship they agreed to and trapped him, purposefully getting pregnant.

One pin prick in a condom and he was tied to an eighteen-year prison sentence—Tabitha, not Abbott. Only desperate and truly deranged women pull stunts so horrendous.

Cole explained that no bind he’s ever gotten himself into while working as an operative for the CIA has ever made him feel as claustrophobic as when she announced they would share a child.

Plain and simple, he didn’t believe the child was his. But once the beauty he helped create entered this world, a paternity test sealed his fate.

I know this to be fact because before I hopped into the sack with Cole. I was nosy enough to run a full background on him. What can I say? I am an operative at heart—I trust no one until I know for certain I can trust them with my life.

Cole took responsibility for his daughter, both financially and emotionally. It’s the type of man he is. One thing I know for certain is his love for Abbott. I feel it in my bones every time he speaks of her.

But he’s cut Tabitha out of his life. The only contact he has with her pertains to their daughter.

Tonight, when I was nibbling on bangers and beans while propped up in Cole’s big bed, he told me why he now has full custody and how it won’t change … ever.

Recently, Tabitha found her arse in the hot seat with the law during the time my arse was in its own sling. As a side note, my arse is in hotter water than hers was, legally speaking. But since I’m not guilty, nor did I leave my child home alone while on a drinking binge for over twenty-four hours followed by a DUI, I shall ride my high horse proudly.

I know for a fact Tabitha Malley is something you’d have to scrape off the bottom of your shoe after a long day of work in the slimiest of regions, but what she did is beyond horrible. When her days are over, I hope she rots in hell for being the worst kind of woman, human, and mum.

Cole was immediately awarded full custody. Abbott’s mum was charged with child endangerment, driving while under the influence, and a slew of other charges I might remember if my brain weren’t foggy from painkillers.

If Cole’s reality could be any worse, poor little Abbott isn’t dealing well from having her mum disappear from her life. I’m not sure what six-year-old would, but from Cole’s explanation, his daughter refuses to believe her mum is gone for good. My heart breaks for her. Every child deserves two loving parents.

So, apparently, that is that.

Abbott isn’t happy I’m here. Red is clearly less than thrilled with my presence. And Cole thinks I’m going to marry him in a month.

Which is why I’m in bloody, fucking hell.

The sun has set over the Carson home. Besides Cole explaining what he’s been living through the last few months, I’ve spent most of the time since we arrived by myself, and I’m thankful for it. But, the door creaks, followed by the floorboards protesting even louder under his feet. I had a feeling this would happen. Cole’s house isn’t small but it’s not Kensington Palace, either. His bed is big and soft and I’m sure he wants to sleep in it despite my being here. My back is to the door, even though it hurts to lie on my side. My goal is to avoid whatever conversation he thinks we’re going to have next.

But my seclusion from the rest of the house hasn’t hindered the fact I’ve heard everything as clear as if I’d bugged the place.

Not only are the floors creaky, but the walls are thin as tissue. I’m sure we’d all lose sleep if an ant hosted a gala below the floorboards.

Listening to Cole interact with his father and daughter has been more painful than taking a bullet to the gut last week. Red has done nothing but grumble about my presence and Abbott has done nothing but talk about her mum—demanding to know when Tabitha will be home, when Tabitha is moving into their new farmhouse, why Cole brought a strange lady home, and when will Cole and Tabitha give her brothers and sisters.

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