Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,115

only one way to find out.” He switches over to the satellite surveillance system and types in the location that was buried on their website. When the screen focuses, we both lean in to get a closer look. Jarvis taps the screen with his finger. “There’s your answer.”

It’s in an alleyway and not one any legitimate or self-respecting bank would operate out of. There isn’t even a sign on the door.

Jarvis picks up his cell and starts to type. “I’ll get Ozzy on it. He’s eerily good at this shit. We’ve flagged this account. When there’s a withdrawal, we’ll know.”

I gulp down the last of my coffee and contemplate a direct IV. I’m going to need it to get through the day ahead of me. “I’d stay and man the surveillance but I have a meeting with the mortuary this morning. Bella can take over after I get back. I don’t want to take Abbott with me. I think one of us needs to be with her for the next few days. Thank goodness she’s finally taken to Bella.”

“Do what you need to do. I don’t mind.” He reclines in his chair and looks at me. “None of us do. I don’t have a trip for another week. Then I’m taking Gracie back to Uganda for her birthday. Hopefully this shit will be settled by then. I’ve been around for a few years now. It’s what we do.”

I pull in a breath. “I know Crew has issues with me—”

He shakes his head and stops me. “Crew is cool with you … now. I’m telling you, he trusts Bella and he doesn’t trust easily. I haven’t always been in his good graces either, but once you earn his respect, you’ve got it for life.” Jarvis shrugs with a smirk. “You might be in because of your woman, but you’re in. That means he and everyone else in this place will work themselves to the bone for you.”

I nod because there’s nothing more to say. I need people at my back right now more than ever.

My phone vibrates against my ass.

Bella – You went to work without me?

I can’t help but smile.

Me – You were asleep. I’m next door checking on things. You know I wouldn’t actually strut my fine ass into work right now.

Bella – You can strut your fine bum right back here because Abbott is asking for you. A big box of cat toys arrived and she’s anxious to open it, but wants you to be here. She thinks if you give the toys to the cat, it will like you more.

Me – Tell her I’ll be there in five. Oh, and sweetness?

Bella – Yes?

Me – Randolph moved a lot of fucking cash into an account in Amsterdam. We’re watching it.

Bella – Finally.

Me – We’re getting close.

Bella – At this point, I don’t care what’s at the end of the tunnel, as long as we get there as quickly as possible. Hurry back.

I look to Jarvis. “I’ve got to go. Thanks again for this and let me know if a nickel of that money moves.”

He picks up his coffee and props his feet up on the desk. “Got it under control.”

I walk out of the old farmhouse, for once not worried about the details. And it feels really damn good to have people to trust.

It does not feel good to retrace your footsteps at a mortuary. I did this only a few years ago for my mom. That time I was comforting Red. Today, I’m flying solo. I know I’m a selfish fucker at times, but I never cared that I was an only child.

Until today. As I sat there and picked out flowers and an urn and music, I decided Bella and I are going to make a shit ton of superhumans. Abbott will not be an only child. Who knows, we might’ve already started. But even flying solo and having everything fall on my shoulders, I think I did okay. Red would slap me on the ass and tell me good job if he were here because, even though we’ll be in a church, I went with Charlie Daniels, just for him.

As I walk out of the mortuary, my spine steels and I stop in my tracks.

He’s got some fucking nerve.

“Carson. I hear condolences are in order. I was sorry to hear about your loss.”

I slide my hand in my pocket and casually palm my subcompact. Did I expect this? No, because to approach me on the Copyright 2016 - 2024