Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,107

grab one by the collar, dragging him through the rest of the barbed wire. He twists and contorts, reaching for his pockets. I put a knee to his back, wrestling with one of his arms, still fisting my Glock in my other. I hear Jesse grappling behind me.

A black boot comes down on his loose arm, trapping it to the ground as another pair of hands reaches down with a set of cuffs. I’m surrounded by agents, outfitted in full-on black tactical gear with helmets and rifles.

“Who the hell are you?” one of the agents grits, as a sea of black descends on the guy who’s yanked out from under me to restrain and pat him down.

“Dammit!” Jesse yells. “Carson!”

I turn and Jesse is on the ground, struggling for a gun.


I throw my weight toward them, closing the distance between us, bringing my other knee down on the guy’s forearm.

He yells but his hold on the pistol is iron tight.

Jesse curses.

And that’s when the gun discharges.

Chapter 33



“You said Daddy would be back this morning.”

I look down into the eyes Cole gave to his daughter. Only hers aren’t sharp or cunning or worldly. Abbott’s deep browns are innocent and worried.

“I did,” I confirm. “But he texted me last night to let us know he had something come up on one of his cases. He’s been a bit delayed, but I’m sure he’ll be home as soon as he can.”

She picks at the ends of her long, curly strands hanging far past her shoulders. I’ve done what I could to distract her inquisitive brain since Cole left. She wants her father, she wants to see for herself what happened to her home, and she wants to know what’s next.

I wish I had answers. She does not deserve what’s been brought down on her little shoulders.

“Did you help your grandpa in the barn?”

Her shoulder lifts and her feet fidget. “He’s fixing Crew’s tractor.”

I wonder if Crew’s tractor actually needs fixing. “Have you eaten anything? How would you like some eggs?”

“I’m not hungry. Grandpa and I had cookies and milk before you got here.”

My smile might as well crack my face in two. “Do you and grandpa often have cookies and milk for breakfast?”

She nods unapologetically. “Unless we’re out of cookies, then we have cereal.”

“It’s obviously brain food since you’re as smart as a whip. Maybe I need to switch up my brekky routine.”

This wins me a sweet nose crinkle. “You talk so funny.”

I slide my phone into my back pocket so I don’t miss a call. I’m accustomed to being in the middle of the action, not left back at home wondering what the hell’s going on. I had a restless night waiting for Cole to check in but I know how good he is at his job. If he hasn’t called it’s because he can’t.

Addy and Crew took their girls to town. Aimée had a check-up at the pediatrician and Addy said she was going to take the opportunity to drag Crew furniture shopping. I cannot imagine Crew Vega in any store—more power to her. Abbott and I need a distraction, so I hold out my hand. “I need to move. Let’s find the cows and feed them treats. Then we’ll dig back into your French lessons. Oui?”

Abbott sighs. “S’il vous plait.”

I smirk. “Such lovely manners. Please try not to be too excited. Daisy’s new toys should be here tomorrow. You can spend the day spoiling her.”

We’re almost to the small shed where Addy keeps the treats for the cows and I’m quizzing Abbott on her numbers and colors in French. I never really thought much of it when Cole said Abbott was gifted. Most parents think their children are exceptional but Abbott does love to learn. She’s lucky Cole recognizes it in her at such a young age.

I give her hand a squeeze. “I’ll get the molasses. You run and find your grandpa to tell him where we’ll be. I don’t want him wondering where you are.”

“Okay,” she sing-songs and skips off.

The day is one of the hottest we’ve had since I’ve been here but I don’t sit idle well. My pastimes have been doing laundry for the Vegas and chasing cows around a vineyard, all while doing what I can to have Abbott accept me. If she simply doesn’t hate me, I’ll take that as a win. Later, we can work on her liking me, or who knows, if I’m lucky, something more.

My pockets are stuffed with enough molasses to Copyright 2016 - 2024