Scars (The Killers #5) - Brynne Asher Page 0,104

balance. He’s got me to help with Abbs and he swears up and down a broomstick you’re not going nowhere. But if you two don’t learn how to stabilize your teeter-totter life, you’ll waste the good years.”

My answer comes swift and honest. “I’m done wasting years.”

“Then you and Cole need to do what you do best and figure this shit out. I won’t have my grandbaby living in a house being targeted by a bunch of murderers. Just when you think the world is going to shit in a dirty toilet, life pitches you a curveball and your boss at the CIA wants to off you.” He shakes his head. “I worry about Cole. He’s always pushed the envelope, ever since he was a baby. I’d draw a line in the dirt with a warning and he’d see how quick he could cross it behind my back. I’d die if anything happened to him.”

“Red.” I reach for his hand and give it a squeeze, waiting for him to give me his eyes. “Cole does push the envelope, but I’ve always trusted him. Not only as a partner but with my life. Why do you think I’m okay with him traveling the world trying to solve my problem without me?”

He nods and pats my hand. It’s a lovely moment with Cole’s father, one I’ll never forget. It’s why, when he opens his mouth again, I’m simply flabbergasted. “You and him had better give me more granddaughters. Cole did me in. I can’t handle more boys like him.”

My eyes grow big. “Well, when we get to that point, I’ll have a chat with Cole. I’ll do my best for you, Red.”

A smirk appears. “Sorry I was an asshole.”

As opposed to his smirk, my smile is wide. “I’ve already forgiven you.”

He frowns. “You’re supposed to tell me I wasn’t an asshole.”

I give him another squeeze before letting go and looking out to the vines. “But you were an arsehole, Red.”

“I can see why Cole likes you.”


“You keep him on his toes.”

“He certainly keeps me on mine.”

“If you two can get people to quit trying to kill you, you might live a happy life.” He stands and tonight he doesn’t plant a paternal kiss on my head. Instead, he yanks my messy ponytail. “Night, Queenie.”

“Goodnight, Red. I’ll be back tomorrow bright and early. I have a French date with your granddaughter.”

And the door slams shut after him.

Chapter 31

Kills Me


“Are you fucking serious? And you didn’t know until now?”

“I just found out who he was and where they’re going. My contacts have been asking around for me. We put it together. They hopped on a container ship headed to Quebec. That’s when I snuck up to their camp again to see if I could hear anything.” Raji is on foot, breathing as hard as his feet hit the ground, trying to get the fuck out of BFE where he’s been digging for information.

“Do you know where they’re planning to cross?”

“Vermont. They said it was easy.”

Dammit. For a bunch of idiot terrorists, they’re well studied. That part of the border is loose.

“Send me a report. I don’t have time to fuck around with the order of things. I need to make phone calls and I won’t be on the ground for,” I look at my watch, “dammit. Another three hours.”

The glass rattles in his old car when the door slams. “The way they were talking, they’re going to cross tonight.”

“The report, Raji. Like my ass isn’t in enough trouble these days. I need to at least look like I’m sticking to protocol.”

“Done—as soon as I get back to my apartment.” By the tone of his voice, I bet he’ll do it before taking a nap this time.

I stand and stick my head in the cockpit. “I need to reroute.”

The pilot glances at the fuel gauge. “How far off?”

“Vermont. As close to the Canadian border as you can get me.”

He rubs his chin. “Let me radio in and see what I can do. We should have enough fuel. I need a new flight plan and a clear airstrip.”

“I know you’re used to working for Crew. I don’t have control over shit he does. This is time sensitive and a matter of national security.”

He reaches for the control panel and flips what looks to be too many switches, but what do I know? I usually fly commercial. “I’m on it.”

“Let me know when it’s confirmed and where I’m landing. I need to arrange for a car when I Copyright 2016 - 2024