Scarlet - By Stephen R. Lawhead Page 0,56

not one tiny little scrap.

It was just the merest glimmer of a glance, to be sure. Still, it gave me a curious warmth that lasted throughout the day.

The king and his advisors emerged a short time later. “What was decided?” I asked Iwan as he came out to join us.

“We will take the treasure to Saint Tewdrig’s for safekeeping as Angharad has advised,” he told me. “We will also show the letter to Bishop Asaph. Perhaps he or one of his monks can read it and tell us something about how and why this ring has come to Elfael.”

“That sounds a sensible plan,” Mérian remarked.

I nodded my agreement. “Good,” I said.

“I’m glad you approve, Scarlet,” he answered, turning on his heel and walking backwards a step or two. “Because it’s you that’s going.”


In less time than it takes a fella to lace up his boots, I was on my way. I suppose others reckoned that, as a half-Saxon with a snip of Ffreinc under my belt, I could more easily pass among the Normans as a wandering labourer—which is what I was until joining King Raven’s flock.

This decision did not sit well with at least one member of our band. Siarles got it into his thick head that I was more affliction than remedy and asked to be allowed to accompany me. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that Siarles, who had been to the monastery before and knew the way, would go with me to act as guide. We were given a deerskin bundle containing the ring and gloves, and the parchment in its wrap, which we were to take to the bishop at Saint Tewdrig’s and learn whatever we could from the monks—they, being men of learning, might know how to read the letter and could be trusted to hold their peace about whatever there was that might be gleaned. The rest of the treasure was to be placed with them for safekeeping.

“If the sheriff or any of his men catch you with these things,” Bran warned, the flat of his hand on the parcel as he handed it to Siarles, “they will hang you for thieves—and that is the least they will do. Stay sharp, and hurry back with all speed.”

“My lord,” I replied, “this skin of mine may be poor quality as some would judge, but it is my own and I have grown to love it. Rest assured, I will not risk it foolishly.” I might have added that Nóin also had a definite interest in seeing me return hale and whole.

“There is yet one thing more,” said Tuck. He had been standing beside Bran, listening to the instructions. “Hear me, if you will. Hear me, everyone.”

“Silence!” called Bran. “Friar Tuck will speak.”

When all had quieted, he said, “The ring has value and therefore power, does it not? It may be that God has given it to us to aid in the redemption of Elfael. Brothers and sisters all, we must hold tight to this hope and guard it with a mighty strength of purpose. Therefore, know that this is a solemn charge that has been laid upon you, Will and Siarles.” He regarded Siarles and me with a commanding stare. “You take our lives in your hands when you leave this place. See you do nothing that would endanger them, or there will be hell to pay. Is this understood?”

We nodded our assent, but he would have more. “Say it,” he insisted. “Pledge it on your honour.”

This we did, and Tuck declared himself satisfied. He turned to Bran and said, “We have done what we can do. Now, it is for God to do as he will do.” Raising his hands high, he said, “I pray the Lord of Hosts to send an army of angels to guard you every step of the way, to smooth your path in the rough world and bring you safely home. Amen and God with you.”


Nóin and I shared a kiss of farewell. She clutched me tight, and whispered, “Come back to me, Will Scarlet. I have grown that fond of you.”

“I will come back, Nóin, never fear.”

With that, we took leave of our king and rode out, taking a path that was only rarely used by the Grellon. The trail, which was tangled and overgrown in many places, would lead us north a fair distance where, once well away from Cél Craidd, we would double back to the Norman lands of the south and east. Copyright 2016 - 2024