Scarlet - By Stephen R. Lawhead Page 0,146

and frayed; the dirt on their hands and faces was there for good and always.

My heart went out to them. I had endured captivity in the sheriff ’s odious hellhole, but they were no less captive here. The wildwood of Coed Cadw had become as much a prison as any that the vile de Glanville held key to. It was clear to me then, if never before: this sorry state could not be endured much longer. God willing, our bold King William would soon give us redress, and Bran and all us forest folk could move out into the light once more.

In amongst the young ’uns I saw little Nia’s face poking out. I turned and scooped her up. She did not cry out, but twisted in my arms to see who held her. “Weo!” she squealed, grabbing my beard with both hands. “Wee-o!”

Bless her, she was trying to say my name. “It’s me, dear heart. Ol’ Will is here.”

From among the flock gathering to greet our return, I glimpsed Angharad, hobbling forward on her long staff, her wrinkled face alight with pleasure. “I bid thee glad homecoming, William Scatlocke,” she crowed, her old voice quavering slightly. “The Lord of Hosts is smiling on this day.”

“Greetings,Wise Banfáith,” I said, offering her a bow and touching the back of my hand to my forehead. “It is that good to see you again.”

“And you,Will.” She drew close and stood for a moment, smiling up at me. Then, closing her eyes, she raised her hand and touched two fingers lightly to my forehead. “All Wise and Loving Father, we thank you for redeeming the life of our friend, delivering him from his enemies, and bringing him back to us in answer to our prayers. Bless him and prosper him for your name’s sake, and bless all who think well of him this day and all days henceforth.”

As she prayed, I felt Nóin’s hand squeeze my arm. I thanked our bard and then turned to the others who were crowding in to make good my welcome. “Here now! Here now!” came a shout, and I was enwrapped and lifted off my feet in a rib-cracking embrace.

“Tuck!” I said. “Are you here, too?”

“Where else should I be, but among my own dear flock on the day of your miraculous return? We’ve been waiting for this day with a greedy impatience, my friend,” he said, his round face beaming. God bless him, there were tears in his eyes.

“Brother,” I said, pulling Nóin close, “if you are not too busy, this lady and I are that keen to be married. If you have no objection, I want you to perform the ceremony today.”

“Today!” replied Tuck. “Today, says he! Well!” To Nóin, he said, “Is this also your desire?”

“It is my deepest desire,” she replied, her arm around my waist.

“Well, then,” concluded Tuck, “I do not see any reason to delay.” He glanced around. “What have you done with Bran and the others?”

Casting a glance behind me, I saw my travelling companions standing on the top of the low natural rampart that surrounded Cél Craidd. I called to them. “Why were you standing there?” I asked when they had joined us.

“We wanted you to have a proper greeting all to yourself,” Iwan explained.

“And would you leave me standing here alone on my wedding day?” I said.

“Oh,Will! Nóin!” cried Mérian. She pressed Nóin’s hands in hers, then kissed me lightly on the cheek. “This is such good news.”

We then endured the good wishes of Bran, Iwan, and the others in turn, and I was pummelled good-naturedly by one and all. When the festive drubbing was finished, I turned to Tuck and said, “Friar, I’d be much obliged if you could perform the rites without delay.” I glanced at Nóin and saw the desire in her dark eyes. “As soon as may be.”

Tuck nodded and adopted a solemn air. “Is it your wish to be married to this man?” he asked.

“It is, Friar,” she replied. “I would have done it long since, and there is no better day that I know than this, and I would mark it always in my heart as the day my man was given back to me.”

“Then so be it!”

Turning to the Grellon crowding around, the little friar called, “Hear now! Will and Nóin have declared their desire to be married. Let us give them a wedding they will never forget!”

If I had any notion of simply saying a few words before the priest and Copyright 2016 - 2024