Scandalous 2 Page 0,56

in the ocean, pressing her back up against the sand and feeling the waves wash over us. It's not the kind of thing I wanted to do with anyone else. Just you."

I know I need to make a decision. My pulse roars in my ears as I look up into Jack's face. All the hardness, all the fear, washes away for a moment. I know he's thinking about it, his fantasy of me on the beach. I want to give it to him, but after the way today went, I don't know if I have the guts to do it. My emotions are frayed as it is. If something happens...I swallow hard and ask, "How long have you had this particular fantasy, Mr. Gray?"

Jack's quiet for a moment. When I look up at him from under my lashes, he has a wicked smile on his face. "Since high school."

"Seriously?" I'm shocked. I had no idea.

He nods, looking utterly boyish. "You were the girl I couldn't have. Me and you would go sit on the beach and talk - remember that? - The beach kind of became our place, our spot. Of course that's where I'd want you most. It's where I fell in love with you."

I smile at him and can't believe what I'm going to say. Taking his hand in mine, I lift it to my lips and kiss the back of his hand. "Come on." I tug him gently, pulling him along with me.

"Where are we going?" he asks, stopping me. I turn and look up at him, my heart is bursting at the seams. I can't believe he wanted me for so long. I have trouble remembering how much he adored me back then. At the time, Jack was my friend and I didn't see the desire in his eyes. Now, it's all I see.

"To the beach. I like the idea of being your fantasy."

"You'll always be my fantasy, Abby. You don't have to do this." He looks down into my face, searching my eyes. My heart is racing like I've been running, but it feels good. I'm still nervous, but it's a feels good kind of nervous.

Without a word, I lead him out the back door. Jack locks the studio behind him and we walk slowly hand in hand toward the water. Jack squeezes my hand and I squeeze back.

Chapter 29-30

Chapter 29


By the time we're standing at the surf, my heart is racing so hard, so fast. We haven't even done anything yet, but the anticipation of stripping naked and loving him out in the open shoots through me. The sand moves between my toes as we talk about nothing and stare out at the sea. Jack tugs my arm and leads me down the beach. We continue talking and walking until the house is no larger than a speck on the horizon. My palms have grown hot - hell - all of me is hot. I didn't think we'd be this far from the house. I didn't think about this at all. It's hard to imagine the Jack I knew back then thinking about me this way, so long ago. My fantasies were lackluster compared to his. I could never dream past kissing those lips. I may have dreamed about him a few times, but the only thing I remembered afterward was the feel of his hands on my skin and his lips on my mouth. I never thought I'd do anything like this. I want to make him happy. I want to shirk off the old Abby and give myself to him. I want to forget today. I want to lose myself in Jack.

Neither of us is speaking. We stare at each other under the waning moon. It casts a pale glow across the water, shedding just enough light to see. Jack's eyes are dark and his eyelids grow heavy as he watches me. I breathe in jagged breaths through my mouth, trying to calm my nerves, but they won't calm. Jack doesn't ask me again. He doesn't give me a chance to escape from my promise. This is going to happen. In a few moments, he'll have me naked on the sand.

As Jack reaches for me, the sound of a siren fills the air. We pause, and it's like we both know what's going to happen. Dread fills my stomach as Jack's hands drop from my cheeks.

Fear makes my heart race faster. Jack starts to walk up to Copyright 2016 - 2024