Scandalous 2 Page 0,37

That's what's so amazing about you. You live and love like you're not afraid. It makes me crazy sometimes, but it's so admirable that it's jaw dropping." He presses his lips against mine. I don't get a chance to deflect his compliment. I do the best I can, and often, I feel like I fall short, but his praises make me beam.

Jack's kiss starts light, but becomes more intense. His tongue sweeps the inside of my mouth as his hands tangle in my hair. It reminds me of last night and I kiss him harder, feeling my body flush at his touch.

"Ah-hum," Gus is standing in the doorway. "So, I take it you told her?"

Chapter 22


Looking up at Jack, Abby asks, "Told me what?"

She's amazing. He can't stop looking at her, thinking about how insanely wonderful she is. Abby took a bullet for him. Jack didn't know how he was going to endure all the shit that Brimstone would throw at him, and then without a word, Abby stepped in front. Her statement will make them shift their focus to her. She knows what she's done. At first, Jack was afraid that she didn't, but after talking to her, it's clear that she knew exactly what she was doing. There's no regret on her face. They'll rip her to shreds instead of him. Guilt keeps trying to get a hold of him, but he's starting think it shouldn't be there. This was a gift. Abby gave it to him. She's so certain that it was right, so certain that she can take whatever they throw at her, but the stuff with Dick had her in tears. Jack needs to talk to her about Texas, about what she wants to do now. They'd put it off for too long.

With Gus watching from the doorway, Jack knows that he's in for a little scuffle. Gus has been pestering him about his next painting. Jack knows exactly what he wants, he just has to get Abby on board.

He takes Abby's hand and leads her over to the vats of paint. "I have an idea for a new painting. I want you to be the model. It's going to purple and yellow or red. I haven't decided." Excitement fills his voice. Abby is smiling at him, glancing at the huge tubs of purple.

Gus speaks up and says, "I tried to talk him into painting another model, but he won't have it. There are already claims on his next full color piece. It will be taken to the last stop on the tour of Jack's work and be presented then. It'll be public."

Abby glances at Jack. "What were you wanting to do?"

His eyes hold hers, hoping. "Something a little different. In the other painting of you, well, everything is concealed. In this one, it won't be. That's the main issue. I wasn't sure if you'd want to do it, if you should do it with everything that's going on. Gus has been pushing for a model, but I want this painting to be of you." Jack watches her, practically holding his breath. Gus is staring, too.

"You two already discussed this?" Abby asks, glancing at Jack and then Gus.

Jack nods. "Gus arranged for the next color piece a while ago, after THE AWAKENING was added to my private collection. People wanted more color pieces and I agreed to make one. When Gus asked who I was going to use as the model, I said you." Jack looks down at her. He's pulled in two different directions. The painting would be beyond perfection if Abby were the model.

"It wasn't a discussion, Abby. It was an argument. I tried to dissuade him. I still have no idea what he has planned. I just need to know if you'll do it or not so I can determine if we need to hire a model." Gus slips his hands into his pockets and waits.

"Jack..." she starts to say, uncertainty in her voice.

But he takes her hands, "Abby, please. Let me show you what it'll be. If you don't want it public, I'll use a model and make it again. This is a turning point. I feel it. I want to share this with you. If we add another painting to our collection, I'm okay with that."

"I'm not," Gus says, straightening. "You have deadlines, Jack. You can't blow them off."

Jack glances at him. "I'm not. This is something new. Forcing it will make it suck. How many times do I have Copyright 2016 - 2024