Scandalous 2 Page 0,17

joking; please say this didn't happen." Silence. Gus looks like he wants to say something, but doesn't. Jack loses it. "Damn it, Gus! How did this happen!"

Gus runs his hands through his sandy hair. He averts his gaze initially, like he's guilty, before looking at Jack. "It was an oversight. I'll fix it. I'll - "

"How are you going to fix it?" Jack says, rubbing his temples. Something about Gus's behavior seems off. He normally yells back at Jack when they have a disagreement - I've heard them - but today Gus just stands there. Maybe he really screwed up? Or maybe there's something else going on.

Kate responds for Gus. "Jack, we're driving Abby's portrait down there ourselves. Biloxi isn't too far. We'll take turns driving. The painting will be there in hours, and it will arrive right on time with the rest of the exhibit." Kate makes it sound like nothing, like Mississippi has been slapped down on top of Jersey. It's at least a 30-hour drive from here.

"The museum is giving you time off?" I ask, surprised. Kate protects her days off like a tiger.

She gives me a look that says this was partly her fault. Kate pulls her hair into a ponytail as she speaks. She's wearing a jogging suit, ready for the drive. She knew this was going to happen.

Kate answers, "Not exactly, but it's handled. We waited for you guys to get home so the studio wouldn't be totally unstaffed. We couldn't leave new girl here alone. The canvas is already crated and on the truck. This was our mistake. We're fixing it. Besides, I'd kind of like to see the traveling display after its all set up. I'll send you pictures. You can put it on your website, Jack." Kate hugs me again, before she turns away and pushes through the door.

Gus follows after her, calling back to us, "See you in a few days. I'll give you a call later, Jack, and fill you in. Stay out of trouble while I'm gone." The playful look on Gus's face keeps Jack from yelling. Kate and Gus hurry towards the truck parked around back.

Jack and I watch it disappear down the driveway, past the pines at the edge of the road. Jack's arms are folded over his chest. He's leaning against the desk. I glance over at him and ask, "Do you have the feeling that they aren't telling us everything?"

He nods. "Without a doubt."

Chapter 11


Abby is so tired. Dark circles cling beneath her eyes. Jack wishes she could sleep. It doesn't seem to matter if she's taking a nap or asleep in his bed, something makes her toss and turn.

It's nearly nightfall, and Abby's been sleeping restlessly on the couch in the studio. Jack looks through some mail, but doesn't have the heart for it. Eventually he's pulled to his paint. Taking up a brush in his hand, Jack starts to paint. He doesn't think, he just takes colors and blends them across the small canvas as Abby sleeps. Hours pass like this, in silence.

Worry creases Jack's brow as he slips the brush into the paint. At some point, Jack stops using the brush. He's smoothing a curved line when Abby awakes.

She stretches and looks over at him. "What time is it?"

"About bedtime."

Abby seems upset. She rubs her eyes and stands. "Why'd you let me sleep so long? I wanted to spend the day with you."

Jack's eyes are on the painting until she says that. He flicks his gaze to meet hers and he smiles. "We did spend the day together."

Abby grins at him. When she walks over, Jack can't keep his eyes off the sway of her hips. Her beauty is intoxicating. He can never look enough, never feel enough, never hold her enough. Abby comes around the easel and stops. Apparently she doesn't expect to see herself.

"Jack," she says in a hushed voice. "This is... Wow." Abby looks at the canvas with wide eyes.

Jack watches her, pleased by her reaction. "You like it?" Abby nods, leaning closer to look at the strokes of paint. "I'm glad. After you fell asleep, you looked so perfect. I hoped you wouldn't mind." She looked like an angel. Jack couldn't resist. He painted her sleeping face with her fiery red hair softly flowing over her shoulders. Her pale skin and rose-colored lips give the whole thing a surreal feel. It's different for him. And prior to this, Jack seldom used anything but a brush to paint Copyright 2016 - 2024