The Scandal (Billionaire's Beach Book 4) - Christie Ridgway Page 0,68

noise, from the crash when the surf was high to their gentle shush, like tonight, when they tossed themselves gently but relentlessly against the sand.

His desire for her matched that persistent rhythm. It beat in his blood but didn’t hurry him, and as her breathing sped up, he slowed his hands. She was under him again, and he cruised his lips over her jaw and to her ear and down her neck.

Her nipples were beaded and stiff, and he suckled them with a soft, insistent suction, until her breath hitched and her legs wound around his hips. His cock bathed in the heated wetness between her thighs and a bolt of lust shot through him but he ignored it to slide down her body and feast on that soft flesh.

She cried out as he slid two fingers inside her velvety grip, and he lapped at her clit as he stroked inside her, steady but tender.

He could do this forever, he thought, hold her in his hands and feel the rising pleasure in her body. When her breath caught and she jerked like a fish trying to get free of a line, he gripped her tighter but lightened his strokes in order to sustain the bliss that heated her skin and made her fingers strangle the sheets.

At her final orgasmic twitch, he freed himself from her to grab a condom from the drawer in the bedside table. She watched him roll it down his heavy shaft, and her eyes on him made it ache and throb. He traced her features with his gaze and looked at the picture she made, laid out like a prize.

“You’re so lovely,” he said. “You take my breath.”

But his heart was still beating and his cock was still alive, and he made a place for himself inside her—slow slow slow—until he was balls-deep in her blistering, mind-blowing heat. She tightened her interior muscles, clenching him like a fist, and he moaned.

“You’re trying to make me mad,” he accused.

Her only answer was a smile that prodded his lust to new heights. But he didn’t heed its urge to rut. Instead, he again took his direction from the waves and pushed in and pulled out, pushed in and pulled out, like the night would never give way to dawn, like the world would never end, like they should be joined for millennium.

But of course they were human after all, and it was Sara who proved it. She began rising to each of his strokes, tipping her hips to take more of him, and when her breaths were harsh in his ear he slid his hand between their bodies and found that hard, wet trigger at the top of her sex.

A short caress, another, and then she was on her way again, her body latching onto his cock to take it with her on the ride. He shuddered as he came, staring into those eyes that had amazed him from the beginning. The blue of trust, loyalty, peace.

Whether or not he deserved those things, he wanted them.

Afterward, contentment settled over him as they lay close together sharing a pillow. Exhaustion joined next and his eyelids felt as if weights were attached to each lash. “I’ll get up in a minute,” he murmured. “I know you don’t want me here.”

“Never that,” she whispered.

Smiling, he found her hand and brought it to his lips. “You know what I mean.”

He heard her sigh, but wasn’t sure if it was a happy sound or a sad one.

“I’m really sorry for earlier, you know,” he murmured, sleep tugging at him hard. “At the table. I usually have better control.”

But he’d done his best to fix things, and now well-being flowed through him. He couldn’t remember a time when it warmed him like tonight. He kissed Sara’s fingers again, letting his body roll out on the tide of sleep.

Beside him, Sara stirred. Her fingers slipped from his loosening hold. She turned to her side, her backside just brushing his hip, then she drew up legs, then she flipped onto her back again.

“Can’t get comfortable?” he said in his mind, but it came out slurred and drowsy. “Cn g cmbl?”

She didn’t answer, probably figuring he was halfway to dreamland, which was true. But when she stirred again, he tried rousing himself. “Whatzit?”

Damn, still sounding half-drunk.

“Sump on your min?”

Her reply sounded like a half-stifled giggle.

“Jus say out loud,” he advised, from his place somewhere on a cloud. “Then ull sleep.” His cloud drifted farther above the bed Copyright 2016 - 2024