The Scandal (Billionaire's Beach Book 4) - Christie Ridgway Page 0,57

established that.”

“Brat,” he said, laughing. “We would have won that paddle boat race if you and RJ weren’t such cheaters.”

“And if Sara had managed to stay out of the water.”

He thought of the figure the butler had made when he’d fished her out. For the first time he’d verified the sweetness of the curves beneath the plain, loose-fitting clothes. And there’d been a fire in her eye he’d not seen before—and that definitely had been extinguished during the last few days. Frowning, he considered the reasons for her renewed detachment.

“Mom says you’re done with Portland and moving back to Southern California,” Essie said, interrupting his ruminations.

“Yeah.” He shoved his hand through his hair. “We sold off a division that was—” With a chuckle, he stopped himself from further explanation. “Never mind. Boring business stuff.”

She smiled at him, and it compelled him to make promises. “So I’ll definitely be around your life more, Essie.” Even if that meant dealing with Renata and the ways she made him crazy. He looked into the distance, then pointed at the cluster of buildings that comprised downtown Los Angeles. From this far away, it looked like some kind of futuristic imperial stronghold. “That spire there on the left? We have the penthouse offices.”

Essie’s hand tented over her eyes. “Cool. I bet it has a great view. Can we go see it?”

Joaquin hesitated. “Not today.” Then he decided that if he wanted her to open up, he might have to start first. “Can you keep a secret?”

Her brown eyes went huge. “Sure.”

“I, uh, my doctor says I need to stay out of the office until the beginning of next month.”

“You’re sick?” One hand crept to her throat.

“No. Not really. I’m…well, I’ve been stressed from all the boring business work. I had chest pains, went to get them checked out and—”

“You’re not going to die are you?” Essie’s big eyes welled with tears.

“No, honey. No.” Shit. “What I’m going to do is take it easy now, and when I return to work I’m going to do it like a normal person. Forty-hour work weeks. Evenings and weekends off.”

She looked doubtful. “You’re not very good at relaxing. You admit you have no hobbies.”

“I’m getting better with the relaxing! I go for runs on the beach—”

“That’s not relaxing.”

“Far more like it than when I’d use the treadmill desk and work on my computer while putting in five miles.”

Essie narrowed her eyes. “You definitely need a hobby.”

“I’m going to take up gardening,” he said on a whim.

His sister hooted. “Yeah, right.”

He thought of the fascinated hours he’d watched Sara fussing with the plants and tending to the flowers. When she walked by afterward she’d smell like earth and sunshine and growing things, and he’d want to lick and nuzzle her heated skin.

“We need a vegetable garden,” he decided. “Tomatoes and…and…cucumbers and those big purple things that look vaguely obscene.”

More giggles from the sixteen-year-old. “This I gotta see.”

And Joaquin smiled, satisfied as she continued to laugh at his expense. Maybe she hadn’t told him what caused her to frown so much, but he’d brought that brightness back to her face. It was a good first step for a big brother.

Sara took a deep breath and then strode into the great room. It was night and Joaquin was stretched on one of the couches in front of the enormous television, channel surfing.

She cleared her throat.

He glanced over, his brows rising in surprise, and slowly sat up. “Did you want to watch something on the big screen? You’re welcome to it.”

“No.” Struggling to keep her composure, she clasped her hands together at her waist. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.”

“Sure.” Patting the cushion beside him, he sent her a smile. “Sit down.”

“In my quarters.”

His brows came together. “Your quarters.”

“Yes. Where we’ll have privacy.”

Without waiting for his agreement, she turned on her heel and walked in that direction, hoping she didn’t appear to be stomping. She felt like stomping. And yelling. Any outlet for her temper and her alarm would be welcome.

He stepped in behind her and she swung shut the door, then pressed back against it. For a moment a memory flashed in her mind. Her body just here, Joaquin’s against it, his mouth greedy on hers.

But she shoved it aside and slammed her arms across her chest. “I promised Essie I wouldn’t say anything, but I just can’t hold my tongue.”

His eyes widened. “Uh—”

“How could you!” Emotions tangled inside her—anger and worry and that love that she shouldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024