Say Your Prayers - Crystal Ash Page 0,28

you all upset. I’d love to know one reason why you enjoy torturing me so much.”

Kimaris spun to face me with a growl. “I enjoy torturing you because you’re a holy, winged prick that sucks God’s cock. I don’t need another reason.”

“That’s half-correct,” I said. “But I wouldn’t be here if I really sucked His cock now, would I?” I forced a grin. “He’d never let me go if He gave me such an honor.”

“Shut up,” the demon hissed, returning to his pacing. “Whoever made you think you were any good at it is delusional.”

“I use my teeth on you because demons love pain.” I pulled my lips back and clenched my teeth with a loud click, enjoying Kimaris' ensuing wince. “But oh, I’ll worship a cock that’s deserving of it.”

Pissing Kimaris off was my only joy since being cast down to Hell for my judgment, and I reveled in the glare he threw at me. He’d tried to break me since day one, intent on making me submissive and compliant, but he underestimated what an angel of my caliber was capable of. I did not obey, and that was both my downfall and my greatest strength.

“No wonder you fell,” Kimaris sneered. “A holy creature who enjoys such impure activities. It’s too bad you weren’t born a demon.”

“I was not cast down from Heaven for what I like to do with my mouth.”

“No? For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment—ring a bell?”

“Very good, you can read,” I praised. “What you forget is sin is relative. Complex creatures such as myself are even capable of committing more than one at the same time. So you’re not wrong, Kimaris, but giving otherworldly blowjobs is not the reason why I’m here.”

“I told you to shut up!” The aggravated demon lunged and I willed myself not to flinch. “If you weren’t so fucking annoying, I was about to offer you a bargain. But it seems your favorite thing to do with that mouth is make meaningless noise.”

My lips clamped shut as I forced my facial expression to stay neutral. A bargain, he said? I shouldn’t have felt a glimmer of hope at that word—I was in Hell after all, to be used as a demon’s toy while waiting for judgment. He was just trying to break me again. King Belial would never allow his subordinates to grant leniency, especially not to an angel like me who could feed their arms with my holy strength. I had to stay strong and wait for my day of judgment.

“That’s better.” Kimaris dragged a perverse, clawed hand across my face. “Nice and quiet.”

I forced myself to lean into his touch. My wing still needed more time to heal. If I pleased him, he might grant me a bit of relief before the next torture session. But nothing was ever a guarantee with these fickle demons.

“I might have some use for you.” Kimaris stroked a thumb over my lip and I stuck my tongue out to lick it. “No, not like that, angel.”

“I’m willing to show you my skills without the use of my teeth,” I offered. “You’ll be the only horned brute down here who got sucked off properly by an angel, I can guarantee that.”

“What did I say about shutting up?” Kimaris whispered almost sweetly, his hands moving to cradle the back of my neck.

Oh yeah, I absolutely did not want him to break my neck again. That took forever to heal and I was paralyzed from the chest down for most of it. So I did my best to look compliant, slamming my lips shut while trying not to clench my jaw against whatever he had coming for me.

“How would you like to walk the earth again?” He caressed my cheek bones, red-orange eyes brightening as he watched for my reaction.

I hid my surprise and blossoming hope behind a puzzled expression. That was the last thing I expected him to offer me. Demons never offered freedom. Ever. He had to think I was desperate, and fuck, maybe I was. My judgment could be centuries away, and as strong as I was, I was no mindless machine. One day, my resolve would crack.

“The current earth that now resembles the vast majority of Hell?” I said in my best aloof voice. “I suppose it wouldn’t be much different from my current situation.”

“You wouldn’t be chained.” Kimaris continued stroking Copyright 2016 - 2024