Say You'll Stay - Sarah J. Brooks Page 0,75

respond. “So when are you planning to head stateside? I need to book the ticker-tape parade.”

It was Whitney’s turn to ignore me. “Mom says she’s hoping to get the house listed by the end of the summer. But…”

There was always a ‘but’ with Whitney. She used to be so different. She had been kind and considerate; she had been my best friend. Now, after so many years of her living a world away, she felt like a stranger. The life she had chosen seemed to have eaten something out of her, and I wasn’t sure she’d ever get it back. It saddened me.

“But what?”

“Maybe I could buy the house.”Whatever I expected my sister to say, it wasn’t that.

“Excuse me?” I demanded.

“I’ve got money saved up, and I don’t like the thought of someone else living in our home. It doesn’t feel right. I know you agree with me, Meg.”

Of course, I did. Since coming back to Southport, the idea of selling Mom and Dad’s house started to feel unbearable like slicing off a piece of Dad that could never be replaced. But I also didn’t like the idea of Whitney claiming it for herself. Why did she get to ride in and play the hero?

“Mom will never let you do that,” I pointed out. And I was right. It was the Galloway pride again. If it looked like charity, Mom would spit in its face.

“I know that. Which is why I need you to help me talk her into it.”Whitney said it all matter of factly. A big part of me agreed with her. It would solve Mom’s problems; we wouldn’t have to say goodbye to the house Dad had helped build for us.

“I’ll come back to Southport for a while. Take a break. Spend time with Mom—”

“Wait a minute; you want to move back here?” Nope. No way.

“Am I not allowed to come home? Weren’t you just giving me shit for not being there?” she asked, her voice tight.

“But to live here? With Mom? With me? In Southport? I don’t think that would work out too well.”

“Well, if I move home, you can head back to New York. I know that’s what you want to do. You hate Southport. Consider it a sisterly favor.”

I could get back to New York. Isn’t that what I wanted? I had no plans to stay in Southport for longer than necessary. My guts twisted painfully for some inexplicable reason.

“So I’m guessing you’re heading back here soon?”

“I’ll be done with this job in three weeks. I’ll let you know when I book a flight.”

I could be back in New York within the month. I should be overjoyed. Damn it, why wasn’t I overjoyed?

“Okay, well, I’ll talk to you soon, I suppose.”

“It’ll be good to see you, Meg,” Whitney said, sounding strained.

“Try to say it as you mean it,” I joked with more than a little sincerity.

“Ha, ha. Okay, I’ve got to go. Tell Mom I’ll call her later.”

I hung up the phone, quickly dried my hair, and headed downstairs to find Mom in the garden. “I called Whit. She says she’s flying home in a few weeks.”

Mom didn’t seem surprised, which told me she already knew. “It’ll be so nice having both my girls under one roof.” I hadn’t seen her smile like that since before Dad died. It tugged at my heart.

“She mentioned something that was pretty interesting,” I threw out there. I figured I might as well start planting the seeds if I wanted them to grow.

Mom continued digging in the dirt, her hands deep in mud. “Did she now?” She sounded distracted. Now was a good time to lob the idea at her.

“Whit says she wants to buy the house.”

Mom’s head jerked up so fast I thought she’d get whiplash. “She wants to buy the house?”

I nodded, chewing my bottom lip, something I always did when I was feeling anxious. “Yeah, then you wouldn’t have to sell it.”

Mom turned back to her digging. “She can’t do that. That’s ridiculous.”

“But, Mom, she wants to do it. Then you can live in it and not worry about moving—”

“I’m the parent here. I don’t need my girls taking care of me.” Her voice was hard.

“Mom, be reasonable,” I went on.

She ignored me, her shoulders rigid, her back straight. The Galloway women were very good at ignoring.

I let out a sigh, knowing the discussion was over—for now. “Okay, well, I’m heading out to see Skylar, then I’ll be at Kyle’s. Probably until late.”

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