Saving the Senator's Son - Jacki James Page 0,88

the bathroom counter. I almost lost him. I closed my eyes, and it all rushed through my mind. The way I felt when I saw him through the binoculars, sitting in that chair while Corey paced with the gun, the horror I felt as he marched Trey out to the fire pit, and I realized what Corey had planned. The determined look on Trey’s face right before he dropped to the ground, and the way he melted into my arms when I got to him.

I resisted the urge to rush down the stairs and double-check that he really was okay. I took in a deep breath, and as I let it out, arms slipped around me from behind. “You okay?” Trey asked, laying his head in the middle of my back. I relaxed back into him.

“I am now,” I said. “I really thought I might lose you today.”

“But you didn’t.”

I let out a choked laugh. “You were the one who was held hostage, and yet here you are worried about me.”

“That’s because I knew you would save me.”

“Oh, really? So you weren’t worried at all?” I said, turning in his arms and wrapping him in a hug.

He chuckled and gave me a kiss. “I was freaking terrified. I think I’m still shaking.”

I cupped his face in my hand and lightly kissed his lips. “I love you,” I said seriously.

“I love you, too,” he said, tugging my head back down for a kiss.

I pulled back and glanced at the tub. “I need to turn off the water.”

“Will you get in with me?”

“I would love that.”

He stripped off his clothes, and I watched as he lowered his naked body into the tub. I quickly removed mine and slid in behind him. I’d never been much of a bath taker, and right now with the heat of his body leaning against me, and the warmth of the water surrounding us, I wondered why. This was heaven.

He reached over and turned on the jets, and the water began to bubble. I lay there for a minute letting the sound soothe the parts of me that were still on edge from earlier.

“This is really nice,” he said.

“It is, isn’t it?” We stayed like that for a long while. Just together, neither of us talking. He lifted one arm up out of the water and reached for a washcloth, and I watched as a water droplet ran down his arm, across his chest, and down his abdomen. I used one finger to trace the path the water had taken. He was amazingly responsive to my touch, and a trail of goosebumps followed my finger down his body.

I reached beneath the water and grasped his hard length in my hand, and he moaned bowing back against me. I stroked him slowly while I kissed the spot on his neck that always seemed to drive him crazy.

“Roman,” he gasped. “Need you so badly.”

I reached around with my other hand and brushed my thumb over his nipple, causing him to moan. I’d never made love in the tub, and while I wasn’t opposed to the idea, that wasn’t what I wanted tonight. Tonight, I wanted to kiss every inch of his body and revel in the fact that he was alive, and he was mine.

“Let’s move this to the bed.”

“Yes, the bed,” he replied, turning in my arms and straddling me. I took his mouth with mine as he rocked his body against me. It was almost enough to make me forget what I’d just said. Almost.

I rose from the tub taking him with me. His wet body slid down mine. “You feel so good,” I said, dropping my hands to his ass and pulling him tight against me. We kissed again, tasting and teasing, until we were both out of breath, and he pushed me back.

“Let’s get to the bed then,” he said, stepping out of the tub and pulling a towel off the towel rack. I stepped out behind him and grabbed one of my own. Once we’d both dried off, I followed him into the bedroom.

I couldn’t help but be amazed. This beautiful man with a heart of gold was mine. I dragged him with me down onto the bed. “Every part of you is beautiful, Trey. Your body, your eyes, your smile, but most of all, your heart.”

He cupped my face in his hands, holding me in place and pressed his mouth to mine. I ran my hands all over his body, committing the feel Copyright 2016 - 2024