Saving the Senator's Son - Jacki James Page 0,45

desk and turned it so the Senator could read it. “That sounds different from the others somehow. I mean it’s the same, but—”

“More.” Fredrick supplied.

“Yeah, more,” the Senator agreed.

“He’s getting more wound up, isn’t he? With shooting out the lights and now with that last line. That sounds kind of ominous,” Trey said. I looked over at him, and I could see how worried he was. I really wanted to pull him into my arms and tell him everything would be okay. Let him know that I was here for him. But that would have to wait.

“He is, and it does. That was his intention.”

“Okay, so what does this mean exactly?” the Senator asked.

“It doesn’t change anything. We already made adjustments after the other morning, so unless you’re willing to pull him off the campaign trail, there isn’t anything else to do.”

“No, if we pull him off, we’ll have to have a reason.”

“I would think most of your supporters would understand if you told them the truth.”

“What? That some crazy person is convinced that he knows of some great sin that has been committed and wants to purify Trey to destroy the sin. No, that would imply that there was something there to find, and I can’t afford even the hint of a scandal. It would completely shift the momentum of the campaign.”

“Well, okay then, there’s nothing else to say. Fredrick, will you take care of getting that letter to Felix.”

“Sure thing.”

“Thank you.” I stood up, walked to the door, and turned to Trey to wait for him to come with me. I needed to get out of that office before I said something I couldn’t take back. Something about caring more about politics than the life of his son, and what a waste of a human that made him in my opinion. Trey must have seen something in my face because he got up quickly and headed out the door.


Roman was furious at my father. I could see it. I know Fredrick saw it, and I was betting my father saw it. I hurried to get out of there before he lost his cool, and as soon as the door shut behind us, he let out a breath, and he stretched his neck from side to side.

“Your father…” he said, trailing off like he didn’t even know what to say.

“I know. Let’s see if Alejandra has any sweets in the kitchen.”

“Okay,” he said, following me down the hall. “But quickly. I’m really not in the mood to chat with anyone in your family right now.” I was so glad my back was to him, and he couldn’t see the smile on my face. The note was scary, and it was obvious this guy was getting more dangerous, but still, I’ve never had anyone get angry on my behalf or have my back before, and it felt good.

Alejandra was working in the kitchen when we got there, and whatever she was making smelled wonderful. “Oh, my goodness, what is that you’re making? It smells divine!”

“It’s Roja vieja. It’s my grandmother’s recipe. I’ve never made it for your family before, but I made plenty if you want to come get some at supper time. There’s no reason for you boys to cook, look at all that food.” She motioned towards the stove.

“Are you sure, because if it tastes half as good as it smells, I could eat half that by myself,” I said.

“You could not, you eat like a bird.”

“You will have to take better care of him, and make sure he eats,” she said, shaking her wooden spoon at Roman.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, grabbing four muffins off the counter. “You want anything?”

“I thought you were getting some for both of us. Are you going to eat all four yourself?”

“I may. Now, do you want any?”

I snatched a muffin off the plate for myself. I turned to tell Alejandra goodbye when she surprised me and pulled me into a hug. Then she whispered in my ear, “You boys need to make sure the blinds at the end of the upstairs hall are closed tight.” Then she kissed me on the cheek and winked at me. I didn’t know what to say, so I nodded, turned, and hurried out the door.

“Hey,” Roman said, rushing after me. “What did she say to you?”

“Come with me for a second,” I said, making my way around to the backside of the pool house. The window in question faced the garage apartment where Alejandra lived, and Copyright 2016 - 2024