Saving the Senator's Son - Jacki James Page 0,35

are way too high. I would say he’s a good shot and was aiming for the lights. But it’s still an escalation, so we will have to stay indoors”—he glanced at me, and I could tell he knew how much I would hate that—“be more vigilant going from the car into venues, and limit unnecessary shopping trips.”

“So no reason to stop campaigning then,” my father said with a nod of his head. Because of course, that was his main concern. We had to all be there. The perfect family, living a blessed life.

“Well, sir, I didn’t realize that was on the table. If it is, then I definitely think that would be best.”

“Now, I don’t think that’s necessary. Do you, dear?” He turned to my mother.

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I have every faith in Roman’s ability to keep him safe on the campaign trail.”

Roman looked at me and I could see that he wanted to argue, but I shook my head. There was no point. It wasn’t that they didn’t care about my safety—they did—that was why they hired Roman. They just didn’t care about it more than appearances and the election.

“After everything that happened this morning, I’m really tired. We have a plan, so if you don’t mind, I want to get some rest.”

“Sure, you go get some rest,” my mother said. “Just don’t forget you have an interview with Marshall Harper tomorrow.” Crap, the last thing I wanted to deal with right now was Marshall Harper. As far as right-wing pundits went, he was the worst.

“I know, Mother, I remember.” I stood up to leave, eager to get back to the pool house.

“We should grab some food when we get back. I haven’t eaten anything today, and I assume you haven’t either,” Roman said as we walked down the hall.

“Food sounds good,” I agreed.

“Trey! Oh my goodness,” Rebecca said, running down the hall and launching herself at me. I wrapped my arms around her, stunned. She hadn’t done that since she was a little girl. Back when it was the two of us against the world. “I heard what happened, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Becca. Honest.”

She stepped back and looked at me, checking me over. Like she thought that maybe I was lying and wasn’t okay. When she’d satisfied herself that I really was okay, she hugged me again. Then she turned to Roman. “You take care of my brother, do you hear me?”

“I plan to,” he said, giving me a meaningful look. And man, oh man, did I intend to hold him to that.

Chapter 14


I’d done a lot of things in life that turned out to be a bad idea. Things that, when they were over and done with, it was obvious in hindsight that I never should have done them to begin with. But I couldn’t think of a single time I thought to myself this right here is a horrible idea but I’m going to do it, anyway. Not until today.

Getting involved with someone that I was protecting was a bad idea. Hell, I’d just sidelined Rand for getting involved with a client's daughter for heaven sakes, not even the actual client. Okay, so he didn’t get involved with her, he just fucked her. And this was not that. Malcolm Jacob Coben III was not a quick fuck. He was something special. I’d realized that early on. That was why, good idea or not, this man was worth taking a chance on.

In the back of my mind for days now, I’d had the thought that once the election was over and he was ready to come out, I would ask him out on a date. But seeing him floating in that pool this morning reminded me that you never know how much time you have left in this world, and after that, waiting didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.

We walked into the pool house and I glanced around, making sure all the windows were covered as I shut the door and turned the lock. At the same time, I reached out and grabbed Trey’s shirt, pulling him back to me. He came willingly into my arms. “I thought you wanted to get something to eat,” he teased.

“Food can wait.”

He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine. “Mmm, yeah, food can wait.”

I turned us around, trapping his body between mine and the door. “Fuck, you feel so good,” I groaned, grinding my body against his as I kissed him hungrily. Kissing him Copyright 2016 - 2024