Saved by the Rancher - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,97

he doesn’t get back to the ranch often enough. I can’t believe I forgot to mention him. Now, will you let go? Please.”

She immediately released Jack and ran her hand over his face to say sorry.

“Don’t worry about it. Sam, this is Jenna, my fiancé, and the mother of my babies.”

Jenna smiled warmly and nodded her head in a kind of hello.

“Did you say babies?”

“That’s right. Babies. Identical twins. Imagine that.”

“Yeah, imagine that.” Sam smiled at them both. “There’s nothing better than having an identical twin. Jack and I were very close growing up, like having a built-in friend from birth.”

“Jenna can’t talk. Her voice is completely gone, and the doctor wants her to rest it for a few days.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t mention me, show her pictures of the two of us, anything. Have I been gone that long?”

“All the pictures in the house look like me,” Jack pointed out.

“No matter. How are you feeling, Jenna?”

She simply shrugged her shoulders. The action set off a wave of pain and she rolled her eyes.

“Honey, you can’t move around like that, remember your ribs,” Jack scolded.

She gave him a dirty look. “Right, how could you forget,” Jack said, and tried to smile for her.

“Well, I guess that answers the question. Since Jack obviously didn’t get a chance to tell you I’m here, or that I exist for that matter, I guess I’ll explain why I came, besides the fact you were kidnapped. I’m an FBI agent, and I think I can help you.”

Jenna shook her head no. Then her concussion kicked in, blurring her vision, making her dizzy. She closed her eyes while she regained her equilibrium.

“Jenna, I didn’t call in the FBI,” Jack said, squeezing her hand. “I know how you feel about the cops, and the hospital for that matter. I called Sam because he’s my brother, and I needed help finding you. He’s the best, and once I told him what’s been happening to you, he said he could help. You were right, the sheriff was no help in getting to David.”

Jenna shook her head no. “He’ll kill you if he knows you’re helping me,” she rasped out. “He killed my bodyguard a year and a half ago. I won’t let that happen again.”

“Jenna, you aren’t supposed to talk.”

She waved his protest away with her hand. The bandage on her wrist a grim reminder of what she’d been through. Her throat hurt each time she talked, but she needed to get her point across. She didn’t want anyone else in danger. “I don’t want you to help me. I’ll take care of this my way.”

“If you run again, I swear to God, I will find you and bring you back. Please, honey, you can’t run again. Think of the babies. Think of me. I can’t live without you.” Jack was so afraid she’d run. She could lose herself somewhere and it would be difficult to find her. She had the money and the means to do it. Hell, she’d done it countless times and he didn’t have David’s resources to find her.

She’d been so down yesterday. He hoped some of her strength had come back and she’d be back to her fighting self. She was a survivor. Hearing her talk about him leaving her, and that she didn’t want to ruin his life, worried him. It wasn’t her nature to give up.

“I’m not running. It’s time I put an end to this. Although I planned to do it in another few months, it’s past time I get it done.”

“What’s your plan?” Sam asked. “Maybe if we work together, we can put a stop to him forever. I have a lot of resources at my disposal. Like Jack said, I’m the best,” Sam reassured her.

“He has your confidence,” she teased Jack. “What did the doctor say about the babies last night? Did you see them again?”

“They’re fine. I got to watch them for a few minutes while the doctor checked you out. They’re snuggled in tight like they should be. Now stop changing the subject and tell us what you have planned. Ben is working on something for you, so what is it?”

“Jack, I can’t do this right now. I’m in a lot of pain, my throat hurts, and I’m tired. I promise when we go home, we’ll sit down and I’ll give you all the details.”

“Okay, honey. We’ll wait till you get home. You rest, and I’ll get the doctor to give you some more medication for Copyright 2016 - 2024