Saved by the Rancher - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,70

arms wrapped around his back, hugging him. He slid both arms around her and rolled onto his back, taking her with him, careful not to hurt her injured thigh. Worried about her other injuries, she didn’t complain, and he was too busy trying to catch his breath to ask after her.

“I didn’t know I could do that. I don’t think I can ever do that again, twice in a matter of minutes. You inspire me, sweetheart.”

“I feel really good myself. I liked being on top. I felt really powerful.”

“Honey, you can be on top anytime you want. I’m at your beck and call.”

“Oh, yeah. How about now?”

“Uh. Please tell me you’re kidding? I’m spent.” He’d never given himself to a woman like that before. And certainly, he’d never made love to a woman without protecting himself and her from the possibility of a baby. He hoped they’d made a baby tonight. He thought about the gift she’d given to his family just hours before, and he hoped she’d give him another gift—their child.

“I am kidding. You’re a big man, Jack. I’ll probably be sore for a little while.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine. We’re a perfect fit.”

“Is your back okay?”

“Sore, but well worth it.”

His whole body went still. The thought of hurting her upset him. Reading his thoughts, she kissed his chin and gave him a nip with her teeth. “I’m fine. Really.” She kissed him on the mouth and moved just enough to disconnect herself from him. Wrapped in each other’s arms, their legs tangled together. Jack reached behind her, grabbed the comforter, and pulled it over them, cocooning them in the aftermath of their shared pleasure and blocking out the cold and her past. Tonight, she slept safe in Jack’s arms.

Chapter Thirty-One

* * *

Ten weeks later . . .

DAVID TAPPED HIS fingers on the cherry wood armrest and leaned back into the soft leather seat. His private jet sat on the San Francisco airport tarmac, waiting for clearance to take off. His cell phone vibrated in his coat pocket, reminding him to turn it off for the flight. He checked the caller ID first. A zing of excitement shot through him. This was the overdue call he’d been waiting for.

“Tell me you found her?” No other response was acceptable. He’d made his wishes clear and the people he hired either did their job, or didn’t have one.

“She set up several trusts under a business name we’ve confirmed belongs to her. I’ve emailed you the details. She’s in Colorado. A town called Hidden Springs, living on a horse ranch. It’s isolated, but accessible. There’s one problem.”

“She’s still there, isn’t she?”

“Yes, but she has guards spread over the property, watching her house and another.”

David heard the hesitation in the man’s voice. “Tell me everything.”

“She’s living with a man, the owner of the ranch.”

David’s fingers clamped around his phone and a flush of red-hot rage rushed through his veins. Dismissing the need to be in New York for an important business meeting, he ordered the pilots, “Change of plans, take me to Hidden Springs, Colorado.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

* * *

Two weeks later . . .

JENNA AWOKE IN Jack’s arms, just like she had every morning for the last three months. They still couldn’t get enough of each other. Though Jack had pointedly said he wanted to marry her and have children, he’d never said he loved her. The words weren’t necessary, because he made a point to show her how much he loved her in everything he did and said. David had given her the words over and over, but showed the lie in his every cruel deed.

They’d settled into a comfortable routine. Jack worked in the barn, or around the ranch, and Jenna took on a new client. She worked in Jack’s home office on her computer, until he returned home each evening. They’d have dinner together, then sit on the couch and watch TV or read together. Sometimes they had Summer, Caleb, and Lily over. Jenna loved having a house full of people. She remembered being alone, night after night, lonely for company. Now she could have a house full of guests, or just be in Jack’s arms, exactly where she wanted to be most.

Jack’s monthly trip to auction was today. Afterwards, he and Caleb were driving to the courthouse to sign and record the deed for Caleb and Summer’s piece of the property. On the way home, he and Caleb would deliver a colt to a Copyright 2016 - 2024