Saved by the Rancher - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,129

only way to do that was to take David out once and for all. With his military background, Jack knew any other tactic would only result in a longer campaign of terror. “You did this for me.”

“I told you before, I’m selfish. I want you all to myself.” All joking aside, he said, “I want you to be happy. Above all else, I want you safe. I love you.”

“The police are on the way,” Sam interrupted. “We’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Cameron, you okay?”

“Fine. Thanks for giving me a heads up, by the way.”

“Sorry. We weren’t sure he’d actually try to kill her. Well, we suspected it, but didn’t think it would happen while she was still in the building. Looks like his rage got the better of him, and he wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“Yeah, looks like it.” Cameron grabbed the lapels of his jacket and adjusted it over his shoulders nervously.

Unsteady on her legs, Jenna walked out the doorway, everyone watching her. She stood looking down at the man who had hunted and terrorized her. It was over, truly over. Relief washed over her spirit, the weight of the world lifted from her shoulders. She looked upon David’s lifeless body. He appeared peaceful. He must have been shot in the chest and fallen forward. She couldn’t see any blood and his eyes were closed. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body, but for a second she wished he’d suffered a fraction of the pain she’d suffered at his hands.

She turned her back on him for the last time and went back to Jack.

Chapter Sixty-One

* * *

THE POLICE ARRIVED and they spent hours in the conference room answering questions about why David tried to kill her. Every detail of the last two years was discussed along with her reasons for coming to the board meeting today with several bodyguards and an FBI agent in tow.

“So he came back to kill you after you showed him today’s newspaper?” the lieutenant asked again.

“Actually, Lieutenant, the newspaper is a fake,” Sam supplied.

“What do you mean it’s fake? It’s supposed to come out today.” Jenna didn’t understand why Sam hadn’t set up the paper to be printed and distributed as they’d planned.

“We knew David would try something, so I asked the paper to print this newspaper with the story on Jenna, but they won’t distribute it.

“It isn’t necessary to expose you like this, Jenna. You’ve accomplished what you wanted, and there’s no reason to publicize the abuse you’ve suffered. Since you own the paper, I threatened you’d shut the place down if they didn’t keep this a secret.”

She went into his arms and held him close. She hadn’t considered they could accomplish this without the paper going out. “Thank you, Sam.”

“I see, so what Mr. Shaw said about you having a copy sent to David’s wife was incorrect?” the lieutenant asked.

“I made David believe a copy was left for his wife this morning. I lied. I’ve never spoken to her, nor did I have a paper delivered to her.” Jenna had just been egging David on, hoping he’d make a mistake they could use against him. She never actually believed he’d end up dead.

“So you provoked David?”

“Yes. He pushed me. I pushed him back, knowing his penchant for violence. I warned him several days ago after he almost killed me to leave me alone, or I’d take everything that mattered from him. Today I made good on that threat by taking over Merrick International and firing him.”

“So you’re saying this is simply a case of employee rage. You were using the bodyguards and an FBI agent as self-defense.”

“That’s what I’m saying. That’s all I’m saying.”

“There’s a lot more to the story. You planned for this eventuality when Mr. Merrick would snap and go after you, Mrs. Merrick.”

Jenna didn’t say anything. Taking a page from Cameron’s book and remaining silent, she waited the lieutenant out. The less she said, the better the chance she didn’t incriminate herself.

“There simply isn’t any evidence Sam or Jack Turner shot the man in cold blood. Mr. Merrick fired his gun several times into the boardroom, where you were standing. The pictures in the fake paper confirm David Merrick was a deadly threat.”

Relieved the lieutenant saw things her way, she decided to get out of there before he changed his mind and took her in for more questioning. “If you’ll excuse me, we’re flying home. If you have further questions, you can contact my lawyer.”

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