Saved by the Rancher - By Jennifer Ryan Page 0,125

research on you is correct, I’ve got more than you do. So don’t waste your time, or mine.”

“You checked into my finances. What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t do that.”

“Yes, I can. One of the first rules of war, and business, is know your enemy. I know everything there is to know about you, David. I know exactly what makes you tick. And now I’m going to use all of what I know against you.”

“What more can you do? So the article comes out. I’ll get past that.”

Jenna took out two stacks of papers from her briefcase and walked around the table again. This time David followed her progress turning to face her as she passed. She held her ground, counting on Cameron and the men guarding her to protect her, should David make a grab for her. She handed the papers to Charles and returned to her position at the other end of the table.

She waited for Charles to review the papers and look up at her. He did so with eyes resigned to the inevitable. He understood he’d just lost his company to her because of David.

“I’m sorry, Charles. This has nothing to do with you. I wanted to wait until after you’d retired to see it through. As you can see by the newspaper and my appearance today, David has made that impossible. It has to end—now.”

“Nothing I can do, David’s been battling you for years. You’ve found a way to win the war. As a business strategist, I tip my hat to you. You’ve outflanked us all, especially David. I’m ready to retire and live a life of leisure. At least, I know the company will be in good hands—yours. Go ahead. Make your announcement.”

She placed her hands on the table, leaned toward David, locked eyes with him, and fired her death shot. “I hold controlling interest in Merrick International. You’re fired.”

David stood and planted his hands on the table, mimicking her. “What? You can’t possibly own that much of the company. Between my shares, grandfather’s, and my parents’, we hold controlling interest collectively. You can’t fire me.”

“Yes, I do. And I can. You’ve spent the last few years hunting me. I’ve spent that time making money and buying shares of Merrick stock. Your goal was to stalk me and terrorize me. My goal was to destroy you. Now I have, both publicly and privately. I own controlling interest in Merrick, and as such, I can fire you.”

“A Merrick has run this company for more than eighty years. You can’t do this. I’m taking over when grandfather retires at the end of the year and that’s final. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

“David, sit down. She’s already done it. The papers are in order. She owns majority share, and therefore she’s CEO of the company now.”

“Charles, you understand why I’ve done this. The only way to get to David was to take away the only thing he has and held over me—the company.”

Charles nodded, a frown deepening the lines on his face.

“She can’t do this, Grandfather. You’re CEO. No one can vote you out.”

“You forget the charter for the board of directors, David.” Jenna gained his full attention. “Majority owner is CEO by default. Also, there’s something else you’ve neglected to remember, or maybe it’s that you’re so arrogant you simply believe you can make the rules up as you go. The charter also states that as majority owner, the CEO appoints the board members. While the Merricks collectively have always held majority share, that rule worked out great for you. Now that I have majority ownership, it works against you. As of this moment, everyone at this table with the last name Merrick is relieved of their duties on the board.”

“What the hell are you talking about? This is Merrick International and the Merricks run this company.”

“Keep up, David. I run this company now. The Merricks no longer sit on the board. Charles, as of this moment you are retired and will receive your full benefits package. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick, you only serve on the board as figureheads and don’t actually contribute to the running of the business. I’m sorry to do this, but I feel it’s in the best interest of the company to replace you with board members who will work toward expanding this company. David, like I said, you’re fired. You won’t run Merrick International, either on this board or in any other capacity.”

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