To Save a Vampire - A.K. Koonce Page 0,24

as her eyes take in the blade at his side. “I thought we might be here all night looking for it. I guess it’s not really something you keep with the paring knives is it?” She laughs nervously; the sound is clipped and awkward. Her odd behavior becomes more and more out of place by the minute. She takes the sword from his hand, and her eyes trace over the blade slowly.

Ky has set up a few lanterns in the kitchen, and, as my mother shines her flashlight on the sword, it illuminates the room. Fragments of light reflect off the strange blade, casting drifting shadows around the room. With the extra lighting, I can now see the peculiar sword that so obviously wasn’t welded by human hands.

She turns the beautiful sword over in the streak of light, letting the fragments of light on the wall push and sway against the shadows. The sword is made of a crystal-like material cut into a blade and the hilt is a shining dark metal. Pulsing down the center of the blade is a deep red color that appears to bleed out into the crystal-like edges.

Forty-four watches her inspect the weapon before he waves a hand at the table he cleared moments earlier. Ky steps aside reluctantly for him to pass, and my mother follows. She looks peculiar holding the unearthly sword at her side. It appears heavy, yet she doesn’t let it strain her posture.

The table groans under Forty-fours weight as he pushes himself onto the tabletop. He sits at the edge of it, as if it’s just another casual evening here. He bites his lip and looks my mother up and down before settling his gaze on the sword in her hand. He takes an audible breath before he lies down on the wooden table. The table creaks under his weight as he shifts into a comfortable spot on his back.

Ky and I step closer. My breathing picks up with whatever the two of them might be getting ready to do. Did Forty-four lead us here to kill him? He gave my mother the sword. And now he lies before her as an angel ready to accept judgment. A sacrificial-like setting. Why?

My mother flutters around the kitchen, the sword at her side. She’s like a warrior housewife, ready to make a batch of brownies or slice open a hybrid. She brings over the two lanterns Ky found, placing one on each side of Forty-four’s head.

I’m not sure what she’s doing, what any of us are doing. He looks into the yellow light and then into my eyes. His face is illuminated, again angelic, and his brows dip with concern and determination. He takes a deep breath before looking away from the light, from me, toward the wall.

Is he afraid? I would be. Death brings a heaviness into my thoughts. The mere word settles into me, into my lungs and bones, and pulls at my soul like the mention of it might wrench me from existence altogether.

I’m just starting to understand him, and he’s going to leave voluntarily. I thought he was so strong, powerful. I didn’t think he would willingly be put down like this. This is where our journey ends? Maybe the compound intended to do far worse. Anger replaces my sadness as Shaw’s thin, sneering face flashes in my mind.

“Hold him down, Ky,” my mother instructs.

Ky moves with a limp, his metal leg clicking on the tile floor. The running must have pained him more than he lets on. And yet he remains as stoic as ever, despite his wavering gait.

He does as he is told and grips Forty-four’s biceps, holding him to the table. Ky’s arms flex, putting weight into his grip. Forty-four doesn’t fight or even look at any of us. All I can think is that Shaw damaged him this badly that he’s just lying down and accepting death. And my mother is so afraid of what Forty-four might endure at the compound that she’s willing to kill him.

The calmness of the situation forces itself on me. I should just let him be. Accept his acceptance. I swallow and look away from the table, trying to clear my mind. I blink and release a heavy, shaking breath. I want to help. To save this broken hybrid. But I can’t. I can’t.

So I do the only thing I can do. I walk around the table, near the wall he faces and stand close with my hands resting Copyright 2016 - 2024