To Save a Savage Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,82

dinna need another heir. I have Alasdair. And I canna watch another woman I care about die simply to give me heirs. I will not do it.”

Kenzie pulled a woolen shawl about her shoulders, the chill from the stone floor making her feet sting. “We don’t have to have children, Ben.” As much as she loved children, she’d be fine should she not have any. Alasdair was a sweet little boy and would soothe any pain she might have of not having her own children. You didn’t have to be a biological parent to a child to be its mother. To care and love it with all that you are.

“Mistakes happen and with such, your life could be put at risk.”

“My life is at risk, anyway. Every day you could die. Nothing is fail proof. You cannot wrap everyone in cotton wool to keep them from living. You did not kill Aline. She died in childbirth. An unfortunate and sad fact of life women are very aware of when they wish for a child. But we do it anyway, because, of course you do. There is no other choice.”

Ben rose from the bed and joined her before the hearth. Taking her hands, he stared at her and nothing in his features gave away what he was thinking.

What is he thinking? “I’m sorry, lass. I canna marry you.”

He dropped her hands and walked to the door and Kenzie stared after him, unable to comprehend what had just happened. “Pushing me away will not keep me safe, Ben.”

His stride never faulted as he ripped open the door and continued down the hall. Kenzie shut the door behind him and frowned. This would never do and if he thought he could be rid of her so easily he had another thing coming. Love was worth fighting for, and no matter his dislike of the marriage act, in her heart, Kenzie was secure in what he felt for her.

She was not wrong.

Chapter 14

Ben sat at the dais, breaking his fast and staring out over his clansmen eating the morning meal before him. The Laird of Grant sat beside him, the sound of his chewing louder than his heifers chewing the grass in the fields.

He took a calming breath, wanting to tell the old man to shut his mouth but did not. Hitting out at others never solved anything, and the Grants had nothing to do with the fact Kenzie Macleod had asked him to marry her and he’d cut her down with his words just as fast as he could with his sword.

Taking a sip of mead, he sighed. He’d hurt her. Out of his own fear he’d pushed her away, possibly bringing forth her own departure due to his careless, fear-driven words.

“I’ve been meaning to ask ye, Ben, if ye are interested in marrying my lass Athol. We’ve been here some weeks now, enough time for ye to get to know the girl and see her potential as ye wife.”

Ben choked on his drink and covered his surprise with a cough. “As much as I cared for Aline, I’m not looking to marry her sister. No matter how bonny the lass is, ’tis not what I want. Nor do I believe Athol would be pleased by such an event.”

Laird Grant nodded, rubbing a hand over his graying beard. “I see yer point, and yet the lass would do well under yer care. She’s bonny to be sure, but she’d also be a good mama to my wee grandson. Think on the possibility, dinna dismiss it so quickly before ye’ve had a chance to see all the positives such a union would bring both our families.”

Ben spied Kenzie walking through the great hall toward the outer door. A thick woolen cloak sat about her shoulders and partially covered her head. No maid accompanied her. He stood, determined to ensure her safety wherever she was headed.

“The Macleod lass is not for ye, Laird. She’s pretty, too, I grant ye, but she doesn’t know the way of our lands, our people. ’Tis best if ye marry the family that is closest to ye outside of ye own. That being us.”

Ben frowned. “Ye didn’t approve of my marriage to yer daughter, Aline, so I’m curious as to why ye seem so determined that I marry her sister.” Laird Grant shifted in his seat and threw a glance at his son Evan who stood by the fire.

“I know we dinna have the best of starts. I did wish Copyright 2016 - 2024