To Save a Savage Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,58

give the serving lass a good scolding that her disappointment was to be repeated to the cook once she returned to the kitchens.

The fish was too dry or the mead too sweet. The fire that burned behind them was too hot, or Kenzie’s gown, which Ben thought most attractive, was too revealing for a woman. Athol even went so far as to hint that Kenzie was a woman of little morals. The comment was not lost on some of his servants, who seemed to agree with the Grant’s comment if their snickering smiles were anything to go by. He wouldn’t stand for it, not from anyone.

Ben had had enough. “Athol, while it pleases me that you’re visiting me and your nephew at Castle Ross, do not be forgetting that Kenzie is also my guest, and no matter what ye opinion of her gown is, there is no reason to be so cutting in ye remarks.”

Athol’s eyes grew round as the bowls on the table, and her brother glared at him. He’d promised that he’d not allow anyone to slight Kenzie. Not even his family-related-by-marriage, and he would keep that promise.

“Forgive me, Laird Ross. I mean no offense. But I couldn’t help but wonder if Kenzie knows that gowns such as she’s wearing are of an older style, and women now wear less revealing necklines. I was merely trying to help the woman, who clearly has no means of righting such a wrong.”

“How very kind of you,” Kenzie said, sarcasm heavy in her tone. Seemingly something that was completely missed by Athol. “Maybe you could sew my gowns to be as prudish as your own.”

Athol gaped and slammed her goblet down, spilling a little of the contents on the table. “I was merely being helpful. No need to be prickly simply because I am gowned more appropriately than yourself.”

Ben clapped his hands, gaining the clan’s attention. “Let us have some music and dancing.”

“What a wonderful idea,” Kenzie said, pushing back her chair and walking down into the center of the hall. She sided up beside Bruce, one of Ben’s best fighting men, and curtsied before him.

Ben ground his teeth as he watched her ask Bruce to dance. The sight of his lass being held close in another’s arms hollowed him out inside. Athol laid her hand against his arm and it did little except annoy him that he’d have to divert his attention away from Kenzie who now danced and laughed with his clansman.

“Would ye dance with me, Ben. I know Aline would wish for us to enjoy each other’s company.”

Something about the lass’s words left him on edge, and he shook his head. “Another time, lass. I’d prefer to watch this evening’s entertainments. You go ahead and find yourself a partner. I’m sure with ye pretty face there are many who would wish to dance with ye.”

Just not himself.

Bruce finished his dance with Kenzie, and she was soon swept up into another of his clansman’s arms. Bruce came and sat beside him, taking a long swig of his drink before throwing him an amused glance. “Kenzie is a lot of fun. I like the lass.”

“Aye,” he mumbled, annoyed at himself more than his friend for acting like a jealous ass, which he was. He should be happy the lass was enjoying his home, getting along with his clansmen and women. Her time here should be one of enjoyment, if he could make it so, and therefore, his jealously over Kenzie having a good time was not necessary. “Aye, my friend,” Ben said, slapping Bruce on the back and smiling at Kenzie. “We’re fortunate to have her as a guest.”

“And what about…” Bruce gestured toward Athol who was also taking part in the impromptu dancing before them.

Ben sighed. “She’s like looking at a ghost. With her here, I feel like Aline is watching me.” Wanting him back, although he could never look at Athol in the way the lass might wish.

“Ye do realize what the Grants being here means, do ye not?”

“It doesn’t mean anything. As they said, they’re merely wishing to fix a wrong they did against me.” Not that Ben believed that at all. He’d seen how Athol looked at him when she thought no one was watching. Her small touches weren’t something he wished for. She was his wife’s sister, a woman that he’d, of course, care for, but never in the way in which the lass wanted.

“Ye don’t actually believe that, do ye?” Bruce threw him an Copyright 2016 - 2024