To Save a Savage Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,45

couldn’t find a knife. She watched Ben while she chewed. He was lost in thought and staring at the fire. She didn’t like seeing him look so sad, but she could understand why he was quiet, so she let him be while she finished her food.

“Tell me of one of your fondest memories growing up here. I’m sure this castle has lots of history and tales that its walls could tell.”

He met her gaze, nodding. “’Tis true, it has many stories. One of my fondest was hiding from my Nurse. Upstairs near the nursery there is a hidden room between the two rooms. Not many of the staff know of it, and whenever I wished to skip my reading or writing lessons, I’d hide in there. I could hear them running about, calling out my name, and eventually, I’d come out and sit back at my desk as if I’d been there the whole time.”

Kenzie laughed. She could just imagine the young laird being a little shit when he was younger. “It seems your ability to be naughty hasn’t changed.”

He threw her a look of pure wickedness and her stomach clenched.

“Where’s the fun in being good?”

Not willing to open that can of worms, Kenzie placed her empty plate down. “I hope you don’t mind me coming to stay. As I said, I’ve always wanted to see Castle Ross, and since I’m here now, I thought it a good idea to visit.”

“I dinna mind in the least. I look forward to having ye stay here with me.”

“Gwen mentioned that Clan Grant were here. Are they still?”

“Nay, they were gone by the time I arrived home, but my steward mentioned that Evan Grant, the future laird, was only too willing to yell and order around my clansmen while he was here. Not that they obeyed, mind. My men would know better than to betray me in such a way, but I wonder at what Evan meant by such actions. ’Tis certainly an act of betrayal. I would never presume to do such a thing in his keep.”

Aline’s family seemed to be troublesome and the more Kenzie heard of them the more she was inclined to believe it was them who would attack and kill Ben. He may not believe anyone was out to get him, but they were. History said so, and the Grants were showing many signs of antagonism toward Ben. She would have to convince him to be wary of them.

Ben sipped his ale and his gaze caught hers over the top of the mug. He placed the cup down and leaned forward in his chair. “Let us talk of other things. I dinna want to waste my breath on the Grants.”

“What would you like to discuss instead?” Kenzie asked, warily.

“I would like to discuss this feeling that I have toward ye that I get each and every time you’re near.”

Kenzie would like to do more than talk about the ‘feeling’ but would it be too forward if she made the first move? This period in history said no to acting in such a way, but she doubted Ben would care overly much. She got up and went to stand before the fire.

“I won’t play coy and say that I don’t know what you’re talking about, because I do.” Boy, did she ever. She’d been drawn to the man ever since she was a young girl and she’d seen the painting of him. She’d always wondered what he’d been like, who he’d loved, and what had happened to him. “Maybe we could try that kiss again?” she said, hoping he’d agree.

Shock registered on his face before the hunger that made her own blood sing took hold. He stood and came toward her. Unable to wait a minute longer, Kenzie reached up and pulled him down for a kiss.

Their lips met, and her heart was in serious trouble. For all the roughness about Ben, his lips were as soft as butter. His hands clasped her face, and he deepened the kiss, the invasion of his tongue not wet and sloppy like so many other men she’d kissed, but sweet and seductive. Kissing was always enjoyable, but this kaleidoscope of emotions, the rioting feelings that he evoked in her, left her grasping for purchase and unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

Kenzie threw herself into the kiss, no longer satisfied with doing what was safe, or what was expected. Tonight, she would allow herself to be swept up by a man who challenged, Copyright 2016 - 2024