To Save a Savage Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,36

matter how much she might state otherwise, Kenzie was aware that should he kiss her, it would not end there…

Not that she was going to tell Gwen such a thing. Not yet, at least. “Everyone likes Black Ben, and although we didn’t get along at first, I can stomach him well enough. So, in a small way, I care for him, of course, but not in the way you may think.” Liar, liar, pants on fire! She did care for him, terribly so, to the point that it scared her. From the instant she’d seen his portrait, tall and strong, standing in a field of heather with a castle in the background, she’d wondered about the man. Who he was? What had he been like?

That he was easy on the eye didn’t hurt, either. Locks as dark as the night sky, and a small tilt of his lips that hinted at his mischievous character. She had been drawn to him immediately. And once she’d learned of the mystery surrounding his death, it had been almost an obsession of hers to find out what had happened to the Laird of Ross.

“Before you all hie off to Castle Ross and get yourselves killed, there is something we should try first. Mayhap, if we ask Ben to send for his son, just that small change in this time may alter what will take place in the future.”

It was something she’d not thought of and certainly something they ought to give a go. Hope burst through her at the thought and again she had to remind herself that Black Ben was a frenemy, nothing more. “That’s a fantastic idea. Do you think Ben will be willing to send for his son?”

At the sound of thunder, Gwen went to the window and looked out over the ocean and the impending storm. “I can ask. I’ll make up some excuse as to why we wish to meet his boy. He may refuse at first, but if I know Ben, and I do very well, he’ll continue to think of the proposal for some days afterward, and it is only then that he will decide yes or no to my request.”

Kenzie stood and came over to stand next to her ancestor. “You must do it tomorrow. No delaying. The sooner we remove his boy from that estate, the better.”

“I agree.” Gwen sighed. “History is written, Kenzie. It will be hard to change what is already inscribed in the pages of time. We may delay or alter Ben’s demise, but some way, somehow, his death will occur.”

Kenzie shivered. “You changed history by bringing Abby back in time and my sending her back kept her here. Why will this plan not work?”

“Because, Ben is from this time. This is his life, and it has already occurred, been lived. I brought Abby back and altered a life that was not complete.” Gwen frowned, taking her hand. “Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

Kenzie nodded, unfortunately understanding only too well what Gwen meant. “Well, we have to alter history. It has to work. He has his boy who needs him, tenant families, and his clan that relies on him for their survival.” She walked over to the small table that held a jug and bowl along with a tumbler of mead and poured herself a cup. “We can try,” she said, taking a sip. “That’s all we can do and hope for the best.”

Gwen nodded. “Try we must and we’ll see. Now,” she said, walking to the bed and pulling down the top woolen blanket. “It’s late and ye should get some rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

Kenzie came over and hugged Gwen quickly. “Thank you for trying to help.”

“Always,” Gwen said, kissing Kenzie’s cheek before leaving.

She lay down under the fur blankets and pulled it up over her. The tapestries swayed a little with the drafts throughout the room, and she thought of Ben. No matter how annoying the man was, she cared for him, the small amount that it was, but nonetheless, she did, and she would hate for him to die so young.

No one deserved to be murdered, and when Kenzie had read of his disappearance it was what she’d always thought had happened to him. Foul play had occurred, and with any luck, their plan to bring Ben’s son to Gwen and Braxton’s estate might alter the past enough to ensure he survived.

And if that plan didn’t work, well, she would just Copyright 2016 - 2024